Remember the Bliss symbol (Spanish)
es(In Spanish) Try to find the Bliss symbol that you saw a few seconds ago among all the others. Adapted for use with Spanish voice.
(In Spanish) Try to find the Bliss symbol that you saw a few seconds ago among all the others. Adapted for use with Spanish voice.
(In Spanish) Board Version Compare Animals Using Bliss Symbols. Adapted for use with Spanish voice.
(In Spanish) A complete communicator based on the core vocabulary paradigm, with automatic conjugation capacity, separation into grammatical categories and several semantic sections. This new version of the core communicator includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.
(In Portuguese) Actividad para trabajar la conciencia fonológica a través de la conciencia silábica y la división de palabras trisilábicas en sílabas. Esta actividad se puede utilizar como juego, como actividad de clase y como actividad de evaluación, ya que guarda las respuestas de los usuarios, tanto en la propia actividad como en un archivo PDF.
(In Portuguese) Actividad que trabaja a través de la conciencia silábica y la división en sílabas de palabras bisílabas. Esta actividad se puede utilizar como juego, como actividad de clase y como actividad de evaluación, ya que almacena las respuestas de los usuarios, tanto en la propia actividad como en un archivo PDF.
(In Portuguese) Un tablero que utiliza los colores de la tonalidad de Fitzgerald de forma más sutil, con un fondo blanco. Incluye páginas para familiares, amigos, colores, ropa, lugares y actividades.
(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y palabras. Incluye categorías de sentimientos, enfermedades, partes del cuerpo, problemas y personas del entorno social.
(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación básico infantil.
(In Spanish) Keyboard board: qwerty light mode, qwerty dark mode, qwerty in uppercase and lowercase together, alphabet in colors, alphabet in animals, alphabet in Spanish sign language (author Oreja Voladora: deaf woman), alphabet in braille neue, alphabet in Morse and emoticons of the autistic cat Neiko (author Kie Zurukawa: autistic woman).
(In Spanish) Simple board to start communication, especially in ASD users.
(In Spanish) Communication board specially adapted for users with Rett Syndrome.
(In Spanish) This new resource created with Eneso Verbo presents a series of pages where we will find different cells that will allow us to enjoy our leisure time from our communicator. The pages are made up of categories, such as: newspapers, television channels, radios, social networks, platforms, hospitality and travel, shopping, among others. On each page we will find different cells that will take us directly to an online television channel, a specific newspaper, a store website, a platform, a hotel search engine, etc. You can use this resource as a unique board to enjoy your leisure, you can import the pages that interest you to your communication board, or you can select those cells that are of interest and daily use to create your own leisure board.
(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad sobre comidas y bebidas! Asociación del alimento/bebida al pictograma. Cada página genera una página PDF.
(In Spanish) Communication board. Special interest in the farm.
(In Spanish) Children´s communication board.
(In Spanish) Communication board as an alternative system. Topics of interest: the sky, space and food. Daily routine and school are also introduced.
(In Spanish) Communication board adapted to boys and girls of about six years with ASD.
(In Spanish) Communication board for the time of the Assembly. Emotions, telling what he did the day before, keyboard...
(In Italian) Comunicador en italiano basado en la filosofía núcleo.
(In Spanish) Complete communicator maintaining the philosophy of the core vocabulary.
(In Spanish) Inspired by the famous game "Operation", we share these two games in which we can play operations at the same time that we work on learning the parts of the body and the bones of the human body. The file contains two games: One, in which we will play to operate different parts of the body and is aimed at younger children. Another, in which we will have to recognize different bones of the body and which is aimed at older children, providing a very useful resource as a support activity for learning the contents of Natural Sciences related to the human body.
(In Spanish) Communication board for simple routines of Aula TEA, reference classroom and afternoon routine, in female. It incorporates routines, vocabulary to work on, numbers, letters, simple stories, communication boards for patio, dining room, breakfast, dinner, simple games.
(In Spanish) Communication board with a large number of contexts in which an infinite number of vocabulary is included that will allow us to establish complete communication processes using prepositions and adverbs. It is an advanced communication resource ideal for those users who already have some experience in the use of dynamic communicators.
(In Italian) Actividad interactiva sobre la constitución italiana.
(In Spanish) Basic communication board.
(In Spanish) Simple communicator for basic needs.
(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad para seleccionar las imágenes que son iguales en cada columna! ¡Trabaja la concentración, la atención, la asociación y el reconocimiento de imágenes y aún es posible trabajar el vocabulario de cada imagen!
(In Spanish) Tablero de comunicación básico infantil.
(In Spanish) Communication board
(In Spanish) Full initial communicator.
(In Spanish) Full student communicator for conventional.
(In Spanish) Advanced full communicator.
(In Spanish) Tablero inicial
(In Spanish) .
(In Spanish) Primer tablero de Yerai (3 años)
(In Spanish) Colours and sentence length
(In Spanish) Vocabulary, animals and actions
(In Spanish) Tablero básico de comunicación, con rutinas de tarde y rutina básica de asamblea.
(In Spanish) Rutinas básicas de trabajo de aula TEA
(In Spanish) .
(In Spanish) How to say hello and how to behave in a restaurant.
(In Spanish) Tablero de comunicación intermedio
(In Spanish) Comunicador inicial básico
(In Spanish) Simple communication board.
(In Spanish) Simple board to talk about emotions, based on the colors of the color moster. 3 x 4 cells, level 1.
(In Spanish) .
(In Spanish) Tablero de comunicación con distintas categorías distribuidas en varias páginas.
(In Spanish) Tablero de comunicación con distintas categorías distribuidas en varias páginas.
(In Spanish) Core-vocabulary communication board.
(In Spanish) Prueba de tablero sobre lugares.
(In Portuguese) Teclado alfanumérico de alto contraste. Las vocales aparecen en otro color para diferenciarlas bien de las consonantes. Incluye predicción y una pequeña librería de mensajes cortos.
(In Portuguese) Ejemplo de tablero usando el esquema de colores de la clave fietzgerald y los pictogramas de ARASAAC.
(In Spanish) Basic vocabulary board with pictograms and text. It is composed of 12 pages that have a consistent organization.
(In Spanish) It is a simple board where cells with food appear that you can find in a bar. It allows the user to communicate autonomously what they want to eat.
(In Spanish) Simple board that explains the steps to greet someone
(In Italian) Un teclado que combina letra enlazada de tipo escolar e imágenes.
(In Italian) Tablero básico para decir sí y no. El “sí” está asociado a un emoticono de color verde y el “no” a uno de color rojo.
(In Italian) ¿Qué te apetece comer? Indícalo con este tablero lleno de frutas, verduras, legumbres y carnes. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.
(In Italian) Tablero muy sencillo que combina imágenes y palabras con estilo SPC. Es el tablero de ejemplo creado en el manual de usuario del programa. Incluye formas sociales, familia y verbos básicos en la página de inicio, además de una segunda página de comida.
(In Italian) Un tablero con estilo SAAC sin texto para hablar de sensaciones y sentimientos a través de pictogramas.
(In Italian) Una semplice lavagna con poche celle e immagini di grandi dimensioni in modo da poter raccontare alcune cose su di te.
(In Catalan) Communication panel to ask for puzzle pieces, also to ask for help when it can not be put and finally to say it is done.
(In Spanish)
(In Spanish) Simple boards with two message cells.
(In Spanish) Simple board made as College assignment.
(In Spanish) Simple communication board.
(In Spanish)
(In Italian) Un quaderno di comunicazione per bambini per la scuola e la casa. Combina pittogrammi e immagini reali.
(In Spanish) Sample board using the AAC system colour scheme. It includes categories of family, friends, colours, clothes, places and activities. This version includes notes to save messages and retrieve them later.
(In Spanish) The board is created for a kid with ASD who wants a lot of vocabulary, so we created categories such as playing, greeting, numbers, animals, planets, transports, attributes of people, places, etc. In addition to a "Touch the star" game, according to his taste.
(In Spanish) Communication board created for a child of 4 years. Includes categories "I want", "Hello", a game and a video of Youtube.
(In Spanish) Communication board created for a child of 5 years. Includes categories of food, clothing, leisure, a keyboard and an activity to play with words.
(In French) Un tablero con estilo SAAC sin texto para hablar de sensaciones y sentimientos a través de pictogramas.
(In French) Un teclado que combina letra enlazada de tipo escolar e imágenes.
(In French) Un tablero sencillo con pocas celdas e imágenes grandes para que puedas contar algunas cosas sobre ti.
(In Spanish) Comunication board for children. It is created with pictograms and calligraphic letters.
(In Spanish) Communication board with photos. Perfect for people who don't use neither symbols nor literacy for communication. You can replace sample pictures for your own photos.
(In Spanish) A personal board with variety of basic conceps. It is easily expandable with more vocabulary and pages.
(In Spanish) Simple and visual communication board with big cells. It is perfect for first steps with a communication board and you can use it with any access system. It is designed with symbols and no text in AAC style.
A board with variety of basic conceps (English speakers). It is organised according to five categories: animals, body parts, objects, boy/girl and fruit. It includes two levels of dificulty (two or three answer options). It is easily expandable with more vocabulary and pages.
A new basic communication board using images and text (English speakers). It is designed with two "Home pages" to allow introducing new vocabulary gradually.
(In Spanish) A board designed with AAC style without text to speak about feelings and sensations through symbols.
(In Spanish) A keyboard that combines letters and pictures.
(In Spanish) A simple board with few cells and large images so you can tell some things about you.
(In Spanish) Sample board using the AAC system colour scheme and symbols from ARASAAC.