
You can try Verbo for 30 days for free on your computer, tablet or smartphone. Just download the version corresponding to your operating system below and follow the steps indicated by the application.

Verbo for Windows Verbo for Windows

Version 1.8.0. Total size 139.98 MB

Recommended hardware:
Windows computer or tablet with Windows 10 operating system and at least 4GB of RAM. If you want to use a visual tracking system, we recommend a computer with an i5 or higher processor (or equivalent) and 8GB of RAM.

Minimum hardware:
Requires Windows Vista or higher. Pictograms and voices are downloaded after installation, consuming an additional 900MB.

Verbo for Android Verbo for Android

Version 1.6.4. Total size 17.68 MB

Recommended hardware:
Tablet or smartphone with Android 6.0 (Android Marshmallow) or higher and at least 3GB of RAM.

Minimum hardware:
Requires Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) or higher.