Verbo Community

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Calendario de adviento 2024

Calendario de adviento 2024


(In Portuguese) ¡Llegó la época de Navidad! Con este calendario de adviento, la espera hasta el día de Navidad será más divertida. Realiza las diferentes actividades propuestas para cada día y diviértete contando los días hasta que llegue el gran día de Navidad.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Palabras de otoño

Palabras de otoño


(In Portuguese) Juego con temática otoñal. Permite explorar vocabulario a través de imágenes y palabras.

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Juego de memoria de otoño

Juego de memoria de otoño


(In Portuguese) Juego con temática otoñal. Te permite explorar conceptos sencillos y trabajar la memoria visual mientras te diviertes explorando las diferentes opciones de emparejamiento. Juego con nivel de dificultad básico.

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Secuencias de otoño

Secuencias de otoño


(In Portuguese) Actividad temática con conceptos relacionados con el Otoño. Le permite desarrollar habilidades de causalidad, relación conceptual y memoria.

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Intruso navideño

Intruso navideño


(In Portuguese) Actividad para descubrir al intruso, ¡utilizando objetos navideños! Genial para trabajar conceptos de lo mismo y lo diferente y también vocabulario navideño.

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Learn Bliss symbols (Spanish)

Learn Bliss symbols (Spanish)


(In Spanish) This game makes it easy to learn new Bliss symbols in the vocabulary. Listen to the indicated word to find its real photograph and its symbol. Adapted for use with Spanish voice.

Shared by: Eneso

Advent Calendar 2024

Advent Calendar 2024


(In Spanish) Looking forward to Christmas? With this advent calendar, the wait will feel shorter! Complete the different activities suggested for each day and enjoy the countdown to the holiday season.

Shared by: Eneso

Palabras Encadenadas

Palabras Encadenadas


(In Portuguese) Actividad fonético-fonológica para estimular las habilidades lectoras y escritas.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Érase una vez un caballo

Érase una vez un caballo


(In Portuguese) Música infantil de carácter lúdico y educativo. Le permite estimular la atención y las habilidades de asociación causa-efecto.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Plant Kingdom

Plant Kingdom


(In Spanish) This board is a digitization and adaptation of the contents referring to the Plant Kingdom.

Shared by: Eneso

Reading and Writing Workbook

Reading and Writing Workbook


(In Spanish) The "Reading and Writing Workbook" is an educational resource designed to help children in their process of acquiring and learning reading and writing skills in a fun and effective way, including various activities such as: Letter Recognition: Games like "find the letter" or "match the same letters" that reinforce the identification of each letter of the alphabet, both in uppercase and lowercase. Word Formation: Activities where children must combine syllables to form words or complete missing words in simple sentences. Reading Comprehension: Short texts with questions at the end that allow children to practice reading comprehension, helping them develop critical reading skills. This workbook is ideal for use both in the classroom and at home, allowing children to learn at their own pace and enjoy the process of acquiring reading and writing skills.

Shared by: Eneso

Linked Words

Linked Words


(In Spanish) Adaptation of the traditional game "Linked Words," where the player has to select the correct word based on the last syllable of the previous word. It features different levels of difficulty.

Shared by: Eneso

La pelota de Manel

La pelota de Manel


(In Portuguese) ¡Cantemos una canción infantil usando Verbo! ¿Qué parte vendrá después? ¡Haz clic y lo descubrirás! Una gran actividad para trabajar la causa y el efecto. Fantástico para usar con un interruptor (mango externo).

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Rutina vuelta al cole

Rutina vuelta al cole


(In Portuguese) El inicio de clases puede ser difícil, pero anticipar diferentes tareas y lugares puede ayudar. El regreso a la rutina escolar tiene como objetivo reducir las dificultades de comprensión y autorregulación asociadas al momento del regreso o inicio de clases. Al definir los diferentes pasos a seguir, se reduce la ansiedad asociada a lo desconocido y se promueve una mayor motivación para participar en diferentes actividades.

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Regreso al cole - Compras

Regreso al cole - Compras


(In Portuguese) Cuando empiezan las clases es necesario renovar o comprar material escolar. Con este tablero puede ser más fácil ir a comprar, elegir y pagar los artículos adquiridos con mayor autonomía. El objetivo es aumentar la comprensión de las diferentes y diversas etapas que preceden al ingreso a la escuela, promoviendo la participación de todos los elementos implicados.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Maps of Spain

Maps of Spain


(In Spanish) With this new resource you will be able to work on curricular content in an interactive and playful way. You will work on the physical and political map, climatic zones, the most important reliefs of the peninsula, provinces of Spain and their flags, and much more.

Shared by: Eneso

Cuarto de baño

Cuarto de baño


(In Portuguese) Muchos niños e incluso adultos necesitan señales visuales para orientarse en el baño. ¡Es por eso que creamos estas tablas que son excelentes para secuenciar! Es un conjunto de tablas para orinar, defecar y lavarse las manos. Estas mesas son ideales para iniciar el proceso de aprendizaje para ir al baño.

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Rutina para dormir

Rutina para dormir


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas las actividades o acciones que realizamos en nuestra vida diaria de forma regular y sistemática, es decir, son hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos al repetirlos muchas veces y que posteriormente llevamos a cabo de forma constante de forma automática. y sin esfuerzo. Para muchas personas, niños y adultos, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema, ya que hay que trabajarlas desde la anticipación hasta la práctica, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos y secuencias necesarias. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas se traduce en comprender y estructurar sus días y el mundo que les rodea, en el que deben actuar y participar. Para ello es necesario un importante trabajo de aprendizaje y apoyo. Por ello, hemos creado, gracias a Verbo, un recurso donde trabajaremos los diferentes pasos necesarios para aprender la rutina de dormir.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Rutina de manos

Rutina de manos


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas las actividades o acciones que realizamos en nuestra vida diaria de forma regular y sistemática, es decir, son hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos al repetirlos muchas veces y que posteriormente llevamos a cabo de forma constante de forma automática. y sin esfuerzo. Para muchas personas, niños y adultos, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema, ya que hay que trabajarlas desde la anticipación hasta la práctica, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos y secuencias necesarias. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas se traduce en comprender y estructurar sus días y el mundo que les rodea, en el que deben actuar y participar. Esto requiere un importante trabajo de aprendizaje y apoyo. Gracias a Verbo, hemos creado un recurso donde trabajaremos los diferentes pasos necesarios para aprender la rutina de lavarse las manos.

Shared by: Adapt4you

The holidays have arrived

The holidays have arrived


(In Spanish) The holidays have arrived and with them we can anticipate routines, objects and actions with some communication boards as well as some games! This activity is a mix of both! With communication boards and some games at the end, it is ideal to take to the beach, park, pool... in addition to not forgetting any objects for the trip.

Shared by: Eneso

Llegaron las vacaciones

Llegaron las vacaciones


(In Portuguese) ¡Llegaron las vacaciones y con ellas podemos anticiparnos a rutinas, objetos y acciones con unos tableros de comunicación además de algunos juegos! ¡Esta actividad es una mezcla de ambas! Con tableros de comunicación y algunos juegos al final, es ideal para llevar a la playa, parque, piscina… además de no olvidar ningún objeto para el viaje.

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Rutina mesa

Rutina mesa


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de poner la mesa.

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Rutina Facial

Rutina Facial


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de cuidarse la cara y hacer un correcto skincare.

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Rutina pipí

Rutina pipí


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de hacer pipí.

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Tablero escolar

Tablero escolar


(In Portuguese) Mesa de comunicación en el ámbito escolar que utiliza pictogramas y texto. Incluye página sobre acciones habituales, personas y colores.

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Rutina Mochila

Rutina Mochila


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de preparar la mochila para el cole.

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I pee

I pee


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the pee routine.

Shared by: Eneso

I prepare my backpack for school

I prepare my backpack for school


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of preparing the backpack for school.

Shared by: Eneso

We set the table

We set the table


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of setting the table.

Shared by: Eneso

I wash my hands

I wash my hands


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of washing hands.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of taking care of your face and doing correct skincare.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the bedtime routine.

Shared by: Eneso

I brush my teeth

I brush my teeth


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of brushing your teeth.

Shared by: Eneso

In the school cafeteria

In the school cafeteria


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of eating in the school cafeteria.

Shared by: Eneso

I wash my face

I wash my face


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of washing your face.

Shared by: Eneso

I poop

I poop


(In Spanish) Routines are all those activities or actions that we carry out in our daily lives in a regular and systematic manner, that is, they are habits or customs that we acquire after repeating them many times and that, subsequently, we carry out automatically and without involve an excessive effort of reasoning. For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their daily lives, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of activities. those that are composed. Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world that surrounds them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of pooping.

Shared by: Eneso

El cuerpo humano

El cuerpo humano


(In Spanish) Este tablero es una digitalización y adaptación de los contenidos educativos referentes al Cuerpo Humano.

Shared by: Eneso

Verbo core communicator with apps

Verbo core communicator with apps


(In Spanish) A complete communicator based on the core vocabulary paradigm, with automatic conjugation capacity, separation into grammatical categories and several semantic sections. This new version of the core communicator includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.

Shared by: Eneso

Dark style keyboard with apps

Dark style keyboard with apps


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Dark style. This new version of the dark style keyboard includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.

Shared by: Eneso

Clear style keyboard with apps

Clear style keyboard with apps


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Clear style. This new version of the keyboard in clear style includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.

Shared by: Eneso

Text communicator with apps

Text communicator with apps


(In Spanish) A communicator with purely textual language representation, with automatic conjugation capacity in person, number and tense, writing and note prediction. It includes several semantic categories. This new version of the text communicator includes a page with all the cells of the Eneso Verbo integration with Join-In.

Shared by: Eneso

Aprender pictogramas

Aprender pictogramas


(In Portuguese) Con esta actividad será más fácil introducir nuevos pictogramas en tu vocabulario. Escucha la palabra indicada para encontrar su foto real y su correspondiente pictograma.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Partes del cuerpo

Partes del cuerpo


(In Portuguese) Encuentra la imagen de la parte del cuerpo indicada entre tres opciones.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Juego de suma sencillo

Juego de suma sencillo


(In Portuguese) Actividad de suma simple con números enteros. Según el cálculo propuesto en cada nivel, la manzana con la respuesta correcta.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Observa las imágenes y responde la pregunta sobre cantidades.

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Sumas - restas

Sumas - restas


(In Portuguese) La finalidad de las matemáticas en educación primaria es construir los fundamentos del razonamiento lógico – matemático, ya que es imprescindible hacer que el alumnado reflexione y no limitar su educación a la memorización de conceptos. Es por eso por lo que hemos creado una serie de tableros donde podemos trabajar las operaciones aritméticas básicas (sumas, restas, multiplicación y división) al mismo tiempo que potenciamos la resolución de problemas y cálculo mental. En el tablero Sumas y restas contiene una breve explicación con ejemplos de ambas operaciones y una serie de actividades ordenadas en tres niveles de dificultad.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Sujeto - Predicado

Sujeto - Predicado


(In Portuguese) Aprender cómo se estructura una oración simple y ser capaces de diferencias las partes que la componen es importante para el correcto desarrollo del lenguaje, tanto verbal como no verbal. Con este nuevo tablero queremos trabajar de manera dinámica las oraciones atendiendo a esas cuestiones, comprendiendo cuál es la diferencia entre sujeto y predicado, cómo identificarlos y qué papel desarrolla cada uno. El material cuenta con una breve pero precisa explicación y una serie de actividades para afianzar los conocimientos trabajados. Las diferentes actividades que componen este tablero nos ofrece la posibilidad de guardas las respuestas de las y los usuarios para poder valorarlas con detenimiento y corregirlas, dando la opción de usar este material como examen adaptado.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Taller de regalos

Taller de regalos


(In Portuguese) ¿Ayudemos al Elfo de Azúcar a salvar la Navidad? Esta actividad tiene como objetivo trabajar la categorización semántica, las funciones de cada categoría y el reconocimiento de formas.

Shared by: Adapt4you




Christmas-related activity in English The user must color the Christmas balls the indicated color. A PDF file is generated for each page to check the work done. For better use we recommend using a summary voice in English

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Oficina de correos de Navidad

Oficina de correos de Navidad


(In Portuguese) ¿Ayudamos al Elfo de Azúcar a salvar la Navidad? ¡Esta actividad tiene como objetivo trabajar la memoria auditiva, el vocabulario, la lectura y la orientación espacial!

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Consciencia silábica trisílabas portugués

Consciencia silábica trisílabas portugués


(In Portuguese) Actividad para trabajar la conciencia fonológica a través de la conciencia silábica y la división de palabras trisilábicas en sílabas. Esta actividad se puede utilizar como juego, como actividad de clase y como actividad de evaluación, ya que guarda las respuestas de los usuarios, tanto en la propia actividad como en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Consciencia silábica portugués

Consciencia silábica portugués


(In Portuguese) Actividad que trabaja a través de la conciencia silábica y la división en sílabas de palabras bisílabas. Esta actividad se puede utilizar como juego, como actividad de clase y como actividad de evaluación, ya que almacena las respuestas de los usuarios, tanto en la propia actividad como en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Formas geométricas irregulares

Formas geométricas irregulares


(In Portuguese) ¿Qué forma geométrica encaja? Diferentes formas con diferentes formatos que ayudarán al usuario a identificar el ajuste perfecto. Gran actividad para pequeños y mayores.

Shared by: Adapt4you

SAAC con bordes

SAAC con bordes


(In Portuguese) Un tablero que utiliza los colores de la tonalidad de Fitzgerald de forma más sutil, con un fondo blanco. Incluye páginas para familiares, amigos, colores, ropa, lugares y actividades.

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Tablero de emociones

Tablero de emociones


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y palabras. Incluye categorías de sentimientos, enfermedades, partes del cuerpo, problemas y personas del entorno social.

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Vocabulario Halloween

Vocabulario Halloween


(In Portuguese) Actividad para introducir nuevos pictogramas en el vocabulario. Diseñado con diferentes páginas y vocabulario relacionado con la temática de Halloween.

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Discriminación visual Halloween

Discriminación visual Halloween


(In Portuguese) Actividad ambientada para la fiesta de Halloween para trabajar la discriminación visual y el conteo. Consiste en encontrar el objeto indicado dentro de un conjunto de otros objetos similares.

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(In Spanish) Complementary page to add to boards and always have a player on your communication board. You can download it and import it to your boards (communication boards, activities, games, etc.) with which you already work or communicate.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Keyboard board: qwerty light mode, qwerty dark mode, qwerty in uppercase and lowercase together, alphabet in colors, alphabet in animals, alphabet in Spanish sign language (author Oreja Voladora: deaf woman), alphabet in braille neue, alphabet in Morse and emoticons of the autistic cat Neiko (author Kie Zurukawa: autistic woman).

Shared by: Kie Zurukawa

Entrenamiento táctil con animales 3

Entrenamiento táctil con animales 3


(In Portuguese) Tablero diseñado para trabajar, mediante estímulos, el entrenamiento táctil. Juego que nos permite trabajar el reconocimiento y la discriminación entre dos animales, el sonido que emiten, además de la anticipación de alguna actividad programada con animales. Los tres tableros Entrenamiento táctil animal funcionan igual pero el estímulo aparece más pequeño conforme subimos de nivel. - Control motórico y de acceso a los comunicadores dinámicos. - Reconocer y discriminar los diferentes estímulos. - Aprender el funcionamiento de los comunicadores dinámicos.

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Entrenamiento táctil con animales 2

Entrenamiento táctil con animales 2


(In Portuguese) Tablero diseñado para trabajar, mediante estímulos, el entrenamiento táctil. Juego que nos permite trabajar el reconocimiento y la discriminación entre dos animales, el sonido que emiten, además de la anticipación de alguna actividad programada con animales. Los tres tableros Entrenamiento táctil animal funcionan igual pero el estímulo aparece más pequeño conforme subimos de nivel. - Control motórico y de acceso a los comunicadores dinámicos. - Reconocer y discriminar los diferentes estímulos. - Aprender el funcionamiento de los comunicadores dinámicos.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Entrenamiento táctil con animales 1

Entrenamiento táctil con animales 1


(In Portuguese) Tablero diseñado para trabajar, mediante estímulos, el entrenamiento táctil. Juego que nos permite trabajar el reconocimiento y la discriminación entre dos animales, el sonido que emiten, además de la anticipación de alguna actividad programada con animales. Los tres tableros Entrenamiento táctil animal funcionan igual pero el estímulo aparece más pequeño conforme subimos de nivel. - Control motórico y de acceso a los comunicadores dinámicos. - Reconocer y discriminar los diferentes estímulos. - Aprender el funcionamiento de los comunicadores dinámicos.

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Entrenamiento de color

Entrenamiento de color


(In Portuguese) Actividad diseñada para trabajar, mediante estímulos, el entrenamiento en el tacto de la pantalla táctil y el reconocimiento de colores.

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Rutina Playa

Rutina Playa


(In Portuguese) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de ir a la playa.

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Rutina Piscina

Rutina Piscina


(In Portuguese) Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de ir a la piscina.

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Encuentra el par II

Encuentra el par II


(In Portuguese) ¡Continuación de la actividad "Encuentra el par I", con niveles más desafiantes! Esta actividad tiene como objetivo encontrar la misma imagen que la presentada inicialmente. Con imágenes reales para trabajar también con jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores. Su enfoque principal es el reconocimiento de patrones, colores, imágenes y formas.

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Encuentra el par I

Encuentra el par I


(In Portuguese) Esta actividad tiene como objetivo encontrar la misma imagen que la presentada inicialmente. Con imágenes reales para trabajar también con jóvenes, adultos y personas mayores. Su enfoque principal es el reconocimiento de patrones, colores, imágenes y formas.

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I spy with my little eye

I spy with my little eye


(In Spanish) We all know this famous Veo Veo game that we have resorted to on many occasions to make a trip more enjoyable or to entertain ourselves in specific situations. With this new Verb resource, we will be able to play this fun and versatile game, as well as use it as an activity to support certain learning processes. These types of games or activities stimulate the creativity of children, since they have to search for and find objects, which favors the development of creative thinking, attention, concertation and visual acuity and discrimination. In addition to everything mentioned, it is a perfect resource to be able to work on phonological awareness, specifically, phonemic awareness. By having to discriminate and locate objects through the vowel sound with which they begin, the game of Veo Veo translates into very useful material for the acquisition of this skill that is so important for learning to read and write. You can use this resource as a game, as an activity and/or as an evaluable resource, since it has the possibility of saving the answers in PDF format.

Shared by: Eneso

Routine: Let´s go to the pool!

Routine: Let´s go to the pool!


(In Spanish) For many people, children and adults, these daily activities represent an added problem to their day to day, so it is necessary to work on them from anticipation and daily practice, marking and reinforcing each of the steps or sequences of those that are composed Understanding and automating these tasks translates into understanding and structuring their days and the world around them and in which they must interact and participate. For this understanding and subsequent automation, an important process of learning and support is necessary, which is why we have created, thanks to Eneso Verbo, a series of boards based on daily routines, with the aim of supporting this process of anticipation, learning and automation of the different daily routines. With this resource we will work on the different sequences necessary to learn the routine of going to the pool.

Shared by: Eneso

Rutina: ¡Vamos a la playa!

Rutina: ¡Vamos a la playa!


(In Spanish) Las rutinas son todas aquellas actividades o acciones que llevamos a cabo en nuestro día a día de manera regular y sistemática, es decir, se trata de hábitos o costumbres que adquirimos tras repetirlos muchas veces y que, posteriormente, realizamos de manera automática y sin que impliquen un sobre esfuerzo de razonamiento. Para muchas personas, niños/as y adultos/as, estas actividades diarias suponen un problema añadido a su día a día, por lo que es necesario trabajarlas desde la anticipación y la práctica diaria, marcando y reforzando cada uno de los pasos o secuencias de las que se componen. Comprender y automatizar estas tareas, se traduce en la comprensión y estructuración de sus días y del mundo que les rodea y en el cual deben interactuar y participar. Para esta comprensión y posterior automatización, se hace necesario un proceso importante de aprendizaje y apoyo, de ahí que hayamos creado, gracias a Eneso Verbo, una serie de tableros basados en rutinas diarias, con el objetivo de apoyar este proceso de anticipación, aprendizaje y automatización de las distintas rutinas diarias. Con este recurso trabajaremos las distintas secuencias necesarias para aprender la rutina de ir a la playa.

Shared by: Eneso

Completa la Oración

Completa la Oración


(In Portuguese) Actividad con varias oraciones de la religión cristiana. El objetivo es completar las frases con las palabras disponibles. ¡Gran actividad para trabajar la memoria! Ideal para adultos y personas mayores que son religiosas.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Los sinónimos son palabras distintas pero que significan lo mismo, mientras que los antónimos son palabras que significan lo contrario. A priori son dos conceptos que parecen fáciles de entender y poner en práctica, pero que en la realidad resultan trabajosos y complicados, debido a que se trata de dos conceptos opuestos. Con este nuevo recurso de material curricular adaptado queremos enseñar qué son y cómo pueden enriquecer nuestro lenguaje cotidiano los sinónimos y los antónimos, ya que son grandes aliados en los procesos de construcción del léxico y en los procesos de lectoescritura. Este material se compone de una breve explicación con ejemplos y tres actividades diferentes, una de ellas que funciona a través de un enlace externo que le llevará a una página web. Las diferentes actividades que componen esta adaptación de material curricular nos ofrecen la posibilidad de guardar las respuestas dadas para valorarlas con detenimiento o utilizar el material como examen adaptado.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Spanish) This new resource created with Eneso Verbo presents a series of pages where we will find different cells that will allow us to enjoy our leisure time from our communicator. The pages are made up of categories, such as: newspapers, television channels, radios, social networks, platforms, hospitality and travel, shopping, among others. On each page we will find different cells that will take us directly to an online television channel, a specific newspaper, a store website, a platform, a hotel search engine, etc. You can use this resource as a unique board to enjoy your leisure, you can import the pages that interest you to your communication board, or you can select those cells that are of interest and daily use to create your own leisure board.

Shared by: Eneso

Verdadero o falso

Verdadero o falso


(In Portuguese) La comprensión lectora o lectura comprensiva hace referencia a la capacidad que tenemos de comprender lo que hemos leído, no solo en el significado individual de cada una de las palabras que compongan la oración o el texto que estemos leyendo, si no del sentido y significado de esa oración o ese texto. Hemos desarrollado diferentes tableros, con los que poder trabajar comprensión lectora y desarrollar estrategias que nos ayuden en el trabajo de esta competencia. Este es un juego de Verdadero/Falso, en el que nos encontraremos diferentes textos, de menor a mayor dificultad divididos en niveles, en el que tendremos que responder a ciertas preguntas o afirmaciones seleccionando V/F.

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Estimulación cognitiva

Estimulación cognitiva


(In Portuguese) Actividad para trabajar funciones ejecutivas, estimulación cognitiva, memoria, atención y concentración con niños/as y con personas mayores, mediante la discriminación de diferentes elementos. Permite adaptar cada nivel o página a las características de todos los usuarios. Este recurso, gracias a la posibilidad de convertir los tableros en PDF e imprimirlos con la que cuenta Verbo, podemos adaptarlo a aquellas personas que no están familiarizadas con los dispositivos electrónicos.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Alimentos y bebidas

Alimentos y bebidas


(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad sobre comidas y bebidas! Asociación del alimento/bebida al pictograma. Cada página genera una página PDF.

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Abecedario con pictogramas

Abecedario con pictogramas


(In Portuguese) La lectura es una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de la inteligencia y una gran aliada en la puesta en marcha de nuestras funciones ejecutivas. Además, favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad y la fantasía, de la capacidad atencional, la concentración y la memoria. Este Abecedario con Pictogramas supone un gran recurso de apoyo para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura. Nos ayudará a asociar las letras a imágenes que empiezan por ese fonema y a practicar lo aprendido, ya que contiene varias opciones de palabras para poder deletrearlas y escribirlas.

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Agudeza visual

Agudeza visual


(In Portuguese) Las actividades y juegos basados en el desarrollo de la percepción o la discriminación visual son esencial para trabajar aspectos como la concentración, la agudeza visual, la atención y la asociación. Son perfectamente válidas tanto para niños/as como para adultos/as, ya que nos ayudarán a estimular el desarrollo cognitivo y a prevenir cualquier dificultad que pueda surgir en este sentido. A través de la percepción visual interpretamos y/o discriminamos todos aquellos estímulos externos visuales que se encuentran en nuestro entorno y que los hemos aprendido previamente, mientras que la agudeza visual es la capacidad que tiene nuestro sistema visual para poder distinguir los detalles de esos estímulos de manera clara y nítida.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Empieza con...

Empieza con...


(In Italian) Actividad en la que debemos seleccionar la palabra que corresponda con la primeras letras propuestas.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Verbal absurdities

Verbal absurdities


(In Spanish) Verbal absurdities are sentences in which some of their elements are incoherent. This Verb resource presents an activity to work on verbal absurdities, offering different levels in which we will have to discover the verbal absurdity of each sentence, in order to write said sentence correctly.

Shared by: Eneso

Reino animal

Reino animal


(In Spanish) Este tablero es una digitalización y adaptación de los contenidos referentes al Reino Animal.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Activity to work the Carnival party.

Shared by: Eneso

Abecedario con pictogramas

Abecedario con pictogramas


(In Spanish) La lectura es una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de la inteligencia y una gran aliada en la puesta en marcha de nuestras funciones ejecutivas. Además, favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad y la fantasía, de la capacidad atencional, la concentración y la memoria. Este Abecedario con Pictogramas supone un gran recurso de apoyo para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura. Nos ayudará a asociar las letras a imágenes que empiezan por ese fonema y a practicar lo aprendido, ya que contiene varias opciones de palabras para poder deletrearlas y escribirlas.

Shared by: Eneso

Calendario 2023

Calendario 2023


(In Italian) Calendario 2023 es un calendario simple dividido en trimestres. Al hacer clic en el día, la síntesis vocal repite el nombre del día, el día, el mes y el año. Y en los días asociados a una fecha determinada, el nombre del feriado. Para imprimir el calendario, haga clic en la impresora que lo posiciona en la página de impresión, para completar la impresión en pdf, haga clic en la fila superior del año.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Communication board

Communication board


(In Spanish) Communication board as an alternative system. Topics of interest: the sky, space and food. Daily routine and school are also introduced.

Shared by: Marta Álamo

Masculino y femenino

Masculino y femenino


(In Portuguese) La actividad Masculina y Femenina nos permite aprender y trabajar, de forma dinámica y divertida, el género de las palabras, sabiendo distinguirlo y pudiendo utilizarlo correctamente en una oración, en un texto o en una situación comunicativa. La actividad cuenta con explicaciones y actividades que reforzarán el aprendizaje. Las diferentes actividades que componen esta adaptación del material curricular nos dan la posibilidad de guardar las respuestas dadas por los usuarios y así evaluarlas detenidamente o utilizar el material como un examen adaptado.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Navidad 2022

Navidad 2022


(In Italian) Actividad de asociación conceptual La actividad genera un pdf por cada concepto donde es posible verificar las respuestas.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Good morning

Good morning


(In Spanish) Communication board for the time of the Assembly. Emotions, telling what he did the day before, keyboard...

Shared by: CAPACI-TEA

¿Donde está? Navidad

¿Donde está? Navidad


(In Portuguese) Actividad de memoria donde tenemos que encontrar una imagen de temática navideña, localizando en qué lugar se encuentra dentro de un grupo de imágenes.

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Postal de Navidad

Postal de Navidad


(In Portuguese) ¡Vamos a escribir una tarjeta de Navidad! Elige qué sello y qué texto y al final expórtalo a pdf para que puedas imprimirlo y dárselo a quien quieras.

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Write your letter to Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men

Write your letter to Santa Claus or the Three Wise Men


(In Spanish) Let´s write a letter to Santa Claus or to Los Reyes Magos! With this activity it will be very easy and fun to write a Christmas letter to ask for our gifts! Choose between different types of paper, envelopes and phrases to personalize it. Once written you can save it in PDF to print it.

Shared by: Eneso

Where is it? Christmas

Where is it? Christmas


(In Spanish) Memory type activity where we must find a Christmas-themed image remembering where it is located within its group.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) With this resource you will be able to have, in a single folder, a collection of boards to work on different mathematics. The "Start" boards allow us to connect different types of materials so that the work of certain skills and contents is carried out more easily, quickly and without having to close, search and open the different resources that we need. From our Home board we can access all the boards corresponding to mathematics and, in turn, from these last boards, return to the start.

Shared by: Eneso

Tablero inicio: Comprensión lectora

Tablero inicio: Comprensión lectora


(In Spanish) Con este recurso podrás tener, en una sola carpeta, una colección de tableros para trabajar las distintas comprensión lectora]. Los tableros “Inicio” nos permiten conectar diferentes tipos de materiales para que el trabajo de determinadas competencias y contenidos se realice de manera más sencilla, rápida y sin tener que cerrar, buscar y abrir los distintos recursos que necesitemos. Desde nuestro tablero Inicio podremos acceder a todos los tableros correspondientes a comprensión lectora] y, a su vez, desde estos últimos tableros, volver al inicio.

Shared by: Eneso

Grammatical categories

Grammatical categories


(In Spanish) With this resource you will be able to have, in a single folder, a collection of boards to work on the different grammatical categories. The "Start" boards allow us to connect different types of materials so that the work of certain skills and contents is carried out more easily, quickly and without having to close, search and open the different resources that we need. From our Home board we can access all the boards corresponding to grammatical categories and, in turn, from these last boards, return to the start.

Shared by: Eneso

Accentuation rules

Accentuation rules


(In Spanish) The stress rules determine where and when words will be accented, in addition to providing us with information about those words that, regardless of the basic stress rules, will be accented due to their own peculiarity and characteristics. Applying the rules of accentuation implies that we know how to divide the word into syllables, that we understand what is a stressed syllable and an unstressed syllable and, finally, that we know how to differentiate the most basic types of words (flat, acute and esdrújulas), in addition to understand when they will carry tilde each one of them. With this new resource we will learn, in a dynamic way, what are unstressed and tonic syllables, what are flat, acute and esdrújula words and how and when to stress them. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material give us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Prefijos y sufijos

Prefijos y sufijos


(In Spanish) Hemos creado este tablero para explicar y trabajar prefijos y sufijos, que son elementos gramaticales que cambian el significado de la palabra que acompañan. Este nuevo recurso de material curricular se compone de una breve explicación con ejemplos y actividades para afianzar los conocimientos trabajados. Las diferentes actividades que componen esta adaptación de material curricular nos ofrecen la posibilidad de guardar las respuestas dadas para valorarlas con detenimiento o utilizar el material como examen adaptado.

Shared by: Eneso

Adivinanzas y proverbios

Adivinanzas y proverbios


(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad navideña para los mayores! ¡Esta Navidad es más didáctica con estas adivinanzas y refranes! Tiene imágenes reales y retroalimentación auditiva para aquellos que no saben leer. Fantástico para trabajar la memoria, el vocabulario y generar conversaciones sobre la Navidad.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¡Escribamos una carta a Papá Noel! ¡Con esta actividad se vuelve fácil y divertido escribir una carta a Papá Noel usando pictogramas! Ideal para niños que no saben leer o que todavía están en proceso de aprender a leer y escribir.

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Árbol de navidad

Árbol de navidad


(In Portuguese) ¡Cantemos una canción navideña usando Verbo! ¿Cuál será la siguiente parte? ¡Haz clic y lo sabrás! Una gran actividad para trabajar la causa y el efecto. Fantástico para ser utilizado con un interruptor (mango externo).

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Adivina niños

Adivina niños


(In Portuguese) ¡Trabajemos el vocabulario y el tema de la Navidad con una actividad en Verbo! Con pictogramas para hacer más atractivas las respuestas. ¡La Navidad se vuelve más divertida y didáctica!

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Synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms


(In Spanish) Synonyms are words that are different but mean the same thing, while antonyms are words that mean the opposite. A priori they are two concepts that seem easy to understand and put into practice, but in reality they are laborious and complicated, because they are two opposite concepts. With this new resource of adapted curricular material, we want to teach what synonyms and antonyms are and how they can enrich our everyday language, since they are great allies in the processes of building the lexicon and in the processes of reading and writing. This material consists of a brief explanation with examples and three different activities, one of which works through an external link that will take you to a web page. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given to evaluate them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Subject and predicate

Subject and predicate


(In Spanish) Learning how a simple sentence is structured and being able to differentiate its component parts is important for the correct development of language, both verbal and non-verbal. With this new board we want to dynamically work on sentences addressing these questions, understanding the difference between subject and predicate, how to identify them and what role each one plays. The material has a brief but precise explanation and a series of activities to strengthen the knowledge worked on. The different activities that make up this board offer us the possibility of saving the answers of the users to be able to assess them carefully and correct them, giving the option of using this material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Male and female

Male and female


(In Spanish) The Masculine and Feminine board allows us to learn and work, in a dynamic and fun way, the gender of words, knowing how to distinguish it and being able to use it correctly in a sentence, a text or a communicative situation. The material has explanations and activities that will reinforce the learning process. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Singular and plural

Singular and plural


(In Spanish) The Singular and Plural board allows us to learn and work, in a dynamic and fun way, the number of words, knowing how to distinguish them and being able to use them correctly in a sentence, a text or a communicative situation. The material has explanations and activities that will reinforce the learning process. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Math review

Math review


(In Spanish) The purpose of mathematics in primary education is to build the foundations of logical-mathematical reasoning, since it is essential to make students reflect and not limit their education to memorizing concepts. That is why we have created this compilation board of mathematical exercises, designed to review different contents in an easy, comfortable and fun way. This resource brings together the following content: math boards, problems, multiplication tables and review activity, Roman numerals and activities, reading and writing four-digit numbers. All activities are briefly explained. The different activities that make up this board offer us the possibility of saving the answers of the users to be able to evaluate them carefully and correct them, giving the option of using this material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Vocales con imágenes

Vocales con imágenes


(In Portuguese) La actividad “Vocales con Imágenes” es un recurso mediante el cual trabajaremos las vocales asociando su sonido al de diferentes objetos que empiezan con cada vocal, lo que ayudará a comprender que cada palabra está compuesta por diferentes sonidos y que cada fonema (letra ) tiene su propio sonido. Es un juego a través del cual podemos iniciar el proceso de aprender a leer. Objetivos: • Conocer las vocales. • Diferenciar entre los sonidos de las letras (vocales). • Asociar cada vocal con diferentes imágenes que comiencen con ese sonido.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Roman numerals

Roman numerals


(In Spanish) Before the Arabs brought their numbering system to Europe, which is what we use today, a long time ago, in Ancient Rome, the Romans invented a numbering system that we still use for some things. They are what we call Roman numerals. With this board we can learn what Roman numerals are, why and how they are used. You will find a brief explanation with examples and the basic rules, and three activities to consolidate and review what you have learned.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) The purpose of mathematics in primary education is to build the foundations of logical-mathematical reasoning, since it is essential to make students reflect and not limit their education to memorizing concepts. That is why we have created a series of boards where we can work on basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) while promoting problem solving and mental calculation. The Divisions board contains a brief explanation with examples and a series of activities: operations, with two levels of difficulty, and problems.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) We have created a series of boards where we can work on basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) while promoting problem solving and mental calculation. The purpose of mathematics in primary education is to build the foundations of logical-mathematical reasoning, since it is essential to make students reflect and not limit their education to memorizing concepts. The Multiplications board contains a brief explanation with examples, the multiplication tables from 1 to 10, an activity to review the tables, a series of multiplications divided into two levels of difficulty and problems, where the user must reflect before doing the operations.

Shared by: Eneso

Addition and subtraction

Addition and subtraction


(In Spanish) The purpose of mathematics in primary education is to build the foundations of logical-mathematical reasoning, since it is essential to make students reflect and not limit their education to memorizing concepts. That is why we have created a series of boards where we can work on basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) while promoting problem solving and mental calculation. The Addition and Subtraction board contains a brief explanation with examples of both operations and a series of activities organized into three levels of difficulty.

Shared by: Eneso

Compound words

Compound words


(In Spanish) Compound words are the product of the morphological process known as composition, that is, they are those words that are formed from the union of two roots or lexemes that give rise to a new syntactic and semantic unit. This new unit is independent of those that make it up, so it has its own accentuation and spelling rules. With this new resource we propose an adaptation of curricular material with which to work on the understanding and learning of compound words and the different types that compose them, through a game that gives us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users. /as and thus evaluate them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) To close the series of boards with which to work on grammatical categories, we leave you with this resource to work on adverbs. As in all grammatical categories, it is a type of words that present quite a bit of difficulty in their learning process, so they require work, practice and support for their understanding, assimilation, learning and recognition. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all the characteristics and types of adverbs, as well as activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Adjectives are those words that accompany the name or noun, adding information about it, such as a quality or a characteristic that complements its meaning. They always agree in gender and number with nouns or nouns. It is a type of word that has a certain complexity due to the different uses it presents and the different degrees in which we can use them. For this reason, we have developed this adapted resource, with the aim of promoting the understanding, assimilation and learning of adjectives, their characteristics, their uses and their degrees. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) We have prepared a board with which to work the Verbs. Another type of words that have quite a bit of difficulty in their learning process, so they need a lot of work, practice and support for their understanding, assimilation, learning and recognition. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all the characteristics and peculiarities of the verbs and activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso

Abecedario con imágenes

Abecedario con imágenes


(In Portuguese) Es un recurso a través del cual trabajaremos las letras del abecedario asociando su sonido con el de diferentes objetos que comienzan con cada una de las letras, lo que ayudará a entender que cada palabra está compuesta por diferentes sonidos y que cada fonema ( letra) tiene su propio sonido.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Spanish) It is the turn of the pronouns. Another type of words, which, like determiners and names or nouns, need work, practice and support for their understanding, assimilation, learning and recognition. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all types of pronouns and activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) As with determiners, nouns are a type of word that cause certain problems in their assimilation and learning. Their types, their uses and the learning, assimilation, recognition and putting into practice of this type of words is not an easy task when we face them and they require a lot of practice. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all types of nouns and activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus assess them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Determiners are those words that accompany a name or noun, with the aim of specifying or determining it, providing information about its gender, number, location in space or possession. This concept, on many occasions, shows problems in its assimilation and learning, hence with this new resource we propose an adaptation of curricular material with which to work on the understanding and learning of the determinants, their types and the different uses of each of them. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus assess them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Inferences refer to the process of interpretation that we carry out to deduce the implicit meaning of a statement from the context and the clues that we have. Through inferences we can transform the information we receive into an explicit fact, since, by inferring, we are reasoning in order to understand said information, which will be very useful for working on logical reasoning, verbal comprehension, reading comprehension, association, organization , deduction and cognitive flexibility. It is a useful material for work and intervention with children, adults and the elderly.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Riddles are an exceptional resource as support material, didactic material for learning and material for work on cognitive stimulation and executive functions, since they favor the work and development of logical thinking, deductive thinking, the logic of situations, of ingenuity, imagination and creativity, by proposing logical solutions to simple problems. In addition to being a fundamental teaching resource in Primary Education, this is a tool widely used with adults and the elderly in cognitive stimulation, thanks to its versatility, its adaptability and its different levels of difficulty and reasoning.

Shared by: Eneso

Search for the object

Search for the object


(In Spanish) We present a new resource that allows us to work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. In “Search for the object”, a board divided into different levels in which we will find from sentences with a couple of elements, to small texts, we will have to select all those images that are related to what said sentences or texts say, so, At the same time that we work on reading comprehension, we promote and work on concentration, attention and memory.

Shared by: Eneso

Select the object

Select the object


(In Spanish) With this clue game we will be able to work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. Reading comprehension or comprehensive reading refers to the ability to understand what we read, both in the general and global understanding of the text, and in the understanding of words. This resource, presented at different levels, offers us certain clues through which we must select the object to which they refer.

Shared by: Eneso

True or false

True or false


(In Spanish) Reading comprehension or comprehensive reading refers to the ability we have to understand what we have read, not only in the individual meaning of each of the words that make up the sentence or the text that we are reading, but also in the sense and meaning of that sentence or that text. We have developed different boards, with which we can work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. This is a True/False game, in which we will find different texts, from lower to higher difficulty, divided into levels, in which we will have to answer certain questions or statements by selecting T/F.

Shared by: Eneso

Dentro y fuera

Dentro y fuera


(In Italian) Dentro y fuera es una actividad donde las cosas que están en casa y las que están fuera de casa deben estar incluidas en el hueco correcto. La actividad registra las respuestas dadas y se generan en un documento pdf.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Schedules and routines

Schedules and routines


(In Spanish) With this board you will be able to organize your day, your week, and routines of 3, 6 and 8 steps, learning to control time and to prioritize, understand and carry out each of the tasks included in your routine. This resource is especially useful for children, who will be able to complete the routines with their parents or guardians, helping them to feel safe and in control of their time and obligations. It is also interesting for older people or the elderly, who will be able to work on organizing their activities and tasks in a useful and attractive way.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Italian) Actividad donde tedremos que marcar tantas veces el objeto que aparece contando las muestras que nos dan.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo




(In Portuguese) Actividad basada en el juego “Tangram”. A través de este recurso, en el que adaptamos y creamos una versión interactiva de Tangram, podemos crear diferentes figuras mientras trabajamos el reconocimiento de colores y formas geométricas planas.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Actividad que cuenta con varias secuencias para trabajar la clasificación y organización de objetos. Las secuencias son un recurso fundamental en el trabajo con niños como ejercicio para trabajar y desarrollar el razonamiento lógico, la atención, la memoria, la concentración y las relaciones de orden. Como proceso mental, las secuencias son necesarias para aprender a comparar elementos, relacionarlos y ordenarlos en base a características comunes y/o un orden o patrón lógico. Objetivos: Desarrollar el razonamiento lógico. Potenciar la atención, la memoria y la asociación. Fomentar la discriminación y la percepción visual.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Colorea a la araña Rita

Colorea a la araña Rita


(In Portuguese) Actividad en la que trabajaremos, a través de un juego, la discriminación visual y el reconocimiento de colores. La discriminación visual es la habilidad mediante la cual los niños pueden distinguir las diferentes propiedades de los objetos que les rodean, ayudándoles a diferenciarlos y clasificarlos por color, forma, posición, tamaño, etc. Es muy importante trabajar y desarrollar esta habilidad, ya que es un precursor del desarrollo del pensamiento lógico y matemático. Con Little Spider Rita trabajaremos la discriminación visual reconociendo y seleccionando los colores que nos pide, mientras trabajamos las instrucciones básicas, la atención, la concentración y la memoria. Objetivos: Trabajar la atención, la concentración, la memoria y la discriminación visual. Fortalecer la discriminación y el reconocimiento del color. Ejecutar y seguir las instrucciones básicas.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Color de las bolas

Color de las bolas


(In Italian) Actividad indicada para el autismo donde hay que poner el mismo color debajo de la pelota, el color de la pelota Cuando termine la actividad, todos los colores desaparecerán. En esta actividad puedes cambiar la secuencia tanto de bolas como de colores sin ningún problema para ver los resultados en la celda oculta de arriba a la izquierda donde puedes exportar los resultados en un documento pdf

Shared by: Benelli Massimo




(In Italian) Actividad donde tendremos que reconocer e identificar las distintas profesiones a través de pictogramas y relacionarlas con su nombre.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Perception visual

Perception visual


(In Spanish) Activities and games based on the development of perception or visual discrimination are essential to work on aspects such as concentration, visual acuity, attention and association. They are perfectly valid for both children and adults, as they will help us stimulate cognitive development and prevent any difficulties that may arise in this regard. Through visual perception we interpret and/or discriminate all those external visual stimuli that are in our environment and that we have previously learned, while visual acuity is the ability of our visual system to be able to distinguish the details of those stimuli clearly and sharply.

Shared by: Eneso

Cognitive stimulation notebook 2

Cognitive stimulation notebook 2


(In Spanish) When we talk about cognitive stimulation, we refer to a series of activities, games and/or techniques that help us improve the functioning of cognitive abilities, such as orientation, attention, memory, language and executive functions, by At the same time we work on aspects such as visuospatial skills, praxis or gnosis. This new Cognitive Stimulation Notebook has 14 different types of activities to be able to work with children, adults and the elderly.

Shared by: Eneso

Summer review book

Summer review book


(In Spanish) In summer it is time to enjoy and have fun, but we must also review everything learned during the school year. What better than doing that review in a fun way? In this new resource we will find different activities and games to work on during the summer while our children have fun and continue learning. The notebook is adapted for a level of 2nd – 3rd of Primary Education.

Shared by: Eneso

Alphabet with pictures

Alphabet with pictures


(In Spanish) The “Alphabet with Images” board complements the previously uploaded activity, “Vowels with Images”. As we explained in the previous one, it is a resource through which we will work with the letters of the alphabet associating their sound with that of different objects that begin with each of the letters, which will help in understanding that each word is made up of different sounds. and that each phoneme (letter) has its own sound.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Sudoku is a logic pastime, whose objective is to fill in the boxes with the help of the images, numbers or letters that are already placed, without repeating any of them in the same row or column. We have adapted sudoku to make it accessible from Verbo and include this activity among the many that make up the Verbo Community library, since it is a great resource for working on logic, reasoning, attention, memory and concentration. Working Sudoku puzzles with children, from an early age, and with older people in intervention and cognitive stimulation, has numerous benefits for all of them, since it involves thinking through sequences, developing spatial understanding, pattern recognition and decision making when choosing the element that we must place in each box.

Shared by: Eneso

Identify syllables with Among Us

Identify syllables with Among Us


(In Spanish) During learning to read, it is necessary to implement reflection strategies on the composition of words and text, this is what we call phonological awareness. As we know, this is made up of different levels, including syllabic awareness, which refers to the recognition of the syllables that make up a word. With the help of this resource, we will be able to work on syllabic awareness by identifying the syllables that make up the different words that are presented. The resource has various disyllabic, trisyllabic and polysyllabic words organized in levels so that we can decide which words to work on.

Shared by: Eneso

Vowels with pictures

Vowels with pictures


(In Spanish) The “Vowels with Images” board is a resource through which we will work on vowels by associating their sound with that of different objects that begin with each vowel, which will help in understanding that each word is made up of different sounds and that each phoneme (letter) has its own sound. It is a game through which we can start the process of learning to read.

Shared by: Eneso

The word panel

The word panel


(In Spanish) The Word Panel is an adaptation of the game "The Alphabet Game". With this board, directly related to linguistic competence, we can work on vocabulary, word families, semantic fields, grammatical categories, spelling rules, definitions and/or any type of vocabulary or area. The game, as it is to download it, has a series of questions, by letter of the alphabet, in which we will have to say what word it is. But we can adapt it to work on the different areas and competencies that we deem appropriate, just by modifying the questions. Not only is it a versatile resource to work on educational skills, but it is also perfectly adaptable to be used in intervention with adults, in cognitive stimulation and in the work and development of executive functions.

Shared by: Eneso

Verano 2022

Verano 2022


(In Italian) Actividad interactiva en la que tendrás que preparar la maleta y seleccionar qué objetos son apropiado para pasar unos días de verano en la playa.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Color the legs of the little spider Rita

Color the legs of the little spider Rita


(In Spanish) Board in which we will work, through a game, visual discrimination and color recognition. Visual discrimination is the ability through which children can distinguish the different properties of the objects around them, helping them to differentiate and classify them by color, shape, position, size, etc. It is very important to work on and develop this capacity or ability, since it is a precursor to the development of logical and mathematical thinking. With Little Spider Rita, we will work on visual discrimination by recognizing and selecting the colors that she asks of us, at the same time that we work on basic instructions, attention, concentration and memory.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Board that has different series raised to work classification and organization of objects. The series are an essential resource in working with children as an exercise to work on and develop logical reasoning, attention, memory, concentration and order relationships. As a mental process, the series are necessary to learn to compare elements, relate them and order them based on common characteristics and/or a logical order or pattern.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Inspired by the famous game "Operation", we share these two games in which we can play operations at the same time that we work on learning the parts of the body and the bones of the human body. The file contains two games: One, in which we will play to operate different parts of the body and is aimed at younger children. Another, in which we will have to recognize different bones of the body and which is aimed at older children, providing a very useful resource as a support activity for learning the contents of Natural Sciences related to the human body.

Shared by: Eneso

Word Quiz

Word Quiz


(In Spanish) The “Word Quiz” is an adaptation of the “Spell” game. With this resource, useful to use as a game or as an evaluative and/or diagnostic activity, we will work on the formation of words. Word formation is an essential element in the processes of learning to read and write and to develop phonological awareness. Understanding that a word is divided into smaller units, which together form a whole with meaning and meaning, opens the way for the learning of later processes of great importance for the development and learning of children. In addition to giving us the possibility of using it as a support resource in language and reading learning evaluation processes. It is not only an activity to work with children, we can also use it in cognitive stimulation work with older people.

Shared by: Eneso

Female communicator

Female communicator


(In Spanish) Communication board for simple routines of Aula TEA, reference classroom and afternoon routine, in female. It incorporates routines, vocabulary to work on, numbers, letters, simple stories, communication boards for patio, dining room, breakfast, dinner, simple games.

Shared by: Macarena Villa




(In Italian) Actividad interactiva sobre el uso de los acentos en italiano.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Communication board with prepositions, conjunctions and questions

Communication board with prepositions, conjunctions and questions


(In Spanish) Communication board with a large number of contexts in which an infinite number of vocabulary is included that will allow us to establish complete communication processes using prepositions and adverbs. It is an advanced communication resource ideal for those users who already have some experience in the use of dynamic communicators.

Shared by: Leire

Qué personaje es

Qué personaje es


(In Spanish) Tablero basado en el juego “¿Quién es quién?”. A través de este recurso, podremos jugar, de manera interactiva y guiada, a este conocido juego. La mecánica del juego cambiará un poco, ya que el/a profesional debe colocar, de manera visible y accesible para el/a usuario/a el panel con todos los personajes que tiene el juego. De esta manera, el/a usuario podrá ir realizando las preguntas que quiera, a través de su tablero, hasta llegar al personaje previamente elegido por el/a profesional. En el propio recurso encontraréis las instrucciones. Gracias a la posibilidad que nos brinda Verbo de imprimir las páginas, contextos o niveles de los tableros, podremos tener, de manera física y accesible, la página con los personajes.

Shared by: Eneso

Vamos a comer

Vamos a comer


(In Spanish) Tablero que combina un pequeño cuento y un juego para trabajar las distintas rutinas a la hora de comer. Para muchos/as niños/as con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y sus familias, la hora de la comida es un momento difícil y temido, ya que, estos/as niños/as pueden presentar disfunciones o dificultades alimentarias, tales como, comportamientos disruptivos, rechazo a determinados alimentos, problemas de trastornos alimenticios. Es importante que se introduzcan rutinas que ayuden a comprender los cambios y comportamientos que debemos aprender y realizar en este sentido. Trabajar estos hábitos a través de cuentos, juegos y pictogramas, siempre será de ayuda. Como consejo o sugerencia, podemos imprimir en PDF la página en la que aparecen los pictogramas con las rutinas para la hora de la comida y así tenerla siempre visible y accesible.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Actividad basada en el juego del “Tangram”. A través de este recurso, en el que hemos adaptado y creado una versión interactiva del Tangram, podremos crear diferentes figuras al mismo tiempo que trabajamos reconocimiento de colores y de formas geométricas planas.

Shared by: Eneso

Crear oraciones

Crear oraciones


(In Spanish) La conciencia fonológica es la capacidad para reconocer, reflexionar, utilizar y manipular, de manera consciente, los sonidos y segmentos de los que se compone el lenguaje. Podemos trabajarla desde todos sus niveles, conciencia léxica, conciencia silábica, conciencia fonémica y/o conciencia semántica. A través de la colección de tableros que podréis descargar desde el archivo zip que se adjunta, podremos trabajar la conciencia léxica y semántica. El archivo contiene cinco tableros con ejercicios para ordenar las partes de las oraciones: Tres de ellos, divididos en diferentes niveles, que guardarán las respuestas en la propia actividad además de generar un pdf con los resultados. Estos tableros se basan en una representación del lenguaje mixta, es decir, utilizando texto y pictogramas para cada palabra. Dos de ellos, basados en una representación del lenguaje textual y divididos por niveles, los cuales también guardarán las respuestas de los/as usuarios/as además de generar un pdf con los resultados.

Shared by: Eneso

Syllable Consciousness. Tri-Syllable Words

Syllable Consciousness. Tri-Syllable Words


(In Spanish) Board to work on phonological awareness through syllabic awareness and the division, into syllables, of trisyllabic words. This board can be used as a game, as a class activity and as an evaluable activity, since it saves the users responses, both on the board itself and in a PDF file.

Shared by: Eneso

Cognitive stimulation and executive functions

Cognitive stimulation and executive functions


(In Spanish) Activity to work on executive functions, cognitive stimulation, memory, attention and concentration with children and the elderly, through the discrimination of different elements. It allows each level to adapt or page to the characteristics of all users. This resource, thanks to the possibility of converting the boards into PDF and printing them with the Verbo account, we can adapt it to those people who are not familiar with electronic devices.

Shared by: Eneso

Syllable Consciousness. Bi-Syllable Words

Syllable Consciousness. Bi-Syllable Words


(In Spanish) Board to work on phonological awareness through syllabic awareness and the division, into syllables, of two-syllable words. This resource can be used as a game, as a class activity and as an evaluable activity, since it saves the answers of the users.

Shared by: Eneso

Vocabulary Bingo

Vocabulary Bingo


(In Spanish) Activity to work different word families through the game of bingo.

Shared by: Eneso

Touch Training Level 3

Touch Training Level 3


(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work on the recognition and discrimination between two animals, the sound they emit, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.

Shared by: Eneso

Touch Training Level 2

Touch Training Level 2


(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work the sound of animals, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.

Shared by: Eneso

Touch Training Level 1

Touch Training Level 1


(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work the sound of animals, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.

Shared by: Eneso

Touch Training Colors

Touch Training Colors


(In Spanish) Dashboard designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training and color recognition.

Shared by: Eneso

Basic needs

Basic needs


(In Spanish) Simple communicator for basic needs.

Shared by: Sil

Dactylological alphabet

Dactylological alphabet


(In Spanish) Board to learn the dactylological alphabet with symbols of with Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license on which some changes have been made.

Shared by: Eneso

Tocar la batería

Tocar la batería


(In Portuguese) ¡Toca la batería con esta actividad! Estimula el tacto y la audición. Muy estimulante para los amantes de la música. Todavía hay otros instrumentos para tocar además de la batería. Actividad ideal para causa-efecto.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad de categorización! Ideal para trabajar el vocabulario de cada categoría. ¡Al final de la actividad puedes ver las respuestas que dio el niño/persona y también guardar las respuestas en PDF!

Shared by: Adapt4you

Asociación de Imagen

Asociación de Imagen


(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad para seleccionar las imágenes que son iguales en cada columna! ¡Trabaja la concentración, la atención, la asociación y el reconocimiento de imágenes y aún es posible trabajar el vocabulario de cada imagen!

Shared by: Adapt4you

Ejemplo de conjugación (portugués)

Ejemplo de conjugación (portugués)


(In Portuguese) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

Ejemplo de conjugación (italiano)

Ejemplo de conjugación (italiano)


(In Italian) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

The animal kingdom

The animal kingdom


(In Spanish) Activity to work the kingdom of vertebrate animals. Initial Level.

Shared by: Eneso

Bandera Ucraniana

Bandera Ucraniana


(In Italian) Colorea la bandera ucraniana. Haciendo clic en la palabra "peace" exporta a pdf y haciendo clic en la bandera vuelve a la página de inicio.

Shared by: Benelli massimo




(In Portuguese) Identificação dos vários sons dos ditongos com tarefas de identificação e localização. Estas atividades são dirigidas aos alunos do 1º ano de escolaridade e apoiam-se na metodologia dos Sons da Relicário.

Shared by: Cercizimbra




(In Portuguese) Identificación de los diversos sonidos vocálicos con tareas de identificación y localización. Estas actividades están dirigidas a los alumnos de 1º de escolaridad y se basan en la metodología de los Sonidos del Relicario.

Shared by: Cercizimbra




(In Portuguese) Ayuda a Pedro a ordenar las cartas para preparar la maleta para las fiestas.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Juego de memoria con útiles escolares. Actividad útil para entrenar la memoria y promover la conversación sobre los útiles escolares.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Actividad temática de carnaval. El objetivo principal es pintar al payaso de acuerdo con las pistas indicadas. Trabaja la asociación de colores, reconocimiento de formas y patrones.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¡Descubre a los intrusos con esta actividad! El objetivo es elegir al intruso que está en 4 opciones. Gran actividad para promover la conversación entre pares.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¡Rimas de los Santos Populares! San Antonio, San Juan y San Pedro son los santos más célebres de Portugal... ¿Puedes completar las rimas de estos santos?

Shared by: Adapt4you

Noche de pizza

Noche de pizza


(In Portuguese) ¿Qué tal si tenemos una noche de pizza? ¡Para eso tenemos que aprender a hacer pizza! ¡En esta actividad aprendemos todos los pasos e ingredientes necesarios para la pizza perfecta! Al final puedes guardar la receta de pizza en PDF.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Día del padre

Día del padre


(In Portuguese) Actividad temática del Día del Padre. ¡Esta actividad tiene como objetivo entrenar el cálculo, ayudando a María y Juan a comprar los regalos para este día! Ideal para trabajar el cálculo y la gestión del dinero en el día a día.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Esta actividad trabaja el aprendizaje de horas. Se divide en dos actividades, una asociando las horas con las rutinas del día a día y la otra para configurar el reloj analógico según las horas del reloj digital.

Shared by: Adapt4you

San Valentín

San Valentín


(In Portuguese) Actividad temática del Día de San Valentín. Su objetivo principal es elegir la letra que falta en la palabra. Todas las palabras están relacionadas con el tema.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Actividad temática en primavera. ¡En primavera se estimulan los sentidos y esta actividad tiene como objetivo trabajar el conocimiento sobre los sentidos!

Shared by: Adapt4you

Día de la madre

Día de la madre


(In Portuguese) Actividad temática para el Día de la Madre. En el Día de la Madre es normal ofrecer flores, por lo que en esta actividad hay que decorar la flor y luego encontrarla en medio de varias flores! Entrena la memoria, la asociación de formas y colores.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¡Actividad temática de Halloween! Los fantasmas robaron la primera sílaba de las palabras ... ¿Los vamos a encontrar? Actividad de opción múltiple con el objetivo de trabajar la palabra construcción.

Shared by: Adapt4you

San Martín

San Martín


(In Portuguese) ¡En noviembre, se celebra San Martín! ¿Todavía recuerdas la leyenda del verano de San Martín? Juega a esta actividad y ve la verdadera leyenda. Actividad de opción múltiple para completar la leyenda de San Martín.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Spanish) ¡Misión pijama! Necesitamos tu ayuda. ¡Los pares de pijamas han cambiado y necesitamos tu ayuda para encontrar los pares adecuados! Además, también necesitamos ayuda para arreglar los juguetes, ¿puedes encontrar los juguetes que coincidan con las siluetas? Actividad para trabajar el reconocimiento de patrones y formas.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Spanish) ¡Actividad temática navideña! Adviento con 24 mini-actividades sobre Navidad. ¡Diviértete haciendo las actividades todos los días hasta Navidad!

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) ¿Cuáles son sus deseos para el próximo año? ¡Haz esta sopa de cartas y encuentra algunos deseos!

Shared by: Adapt4you

Secuenciar rutinas

Secuenciar rutinas


(In Portuguese) Actividad de secuencia de rutinas. El objetivo es poner en el orden correcto diferentes rutinas del día a día. Ayuda a la persona en la organización, asociación y secuencia de pasos.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Aprender a reciclar

Aprender a reciclar


(In Portuguese) Tablero donde se exponen los contenedores que existen, qué contienen y qué no se puede reciclar en ellos. Incluye una actividad para poner en práctica lo aprendido.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Conciencia de las palabras

Conciencia de las palabras


(In Portuguese) Conciencia fonológica: conciencia de las palabras. Este es el primero de varios tableros del proyecto Adaptar. ¡Es fácil!

Shared by: Cercizimbra

Tokio 2020

Tokio 2020


(In Italian) Coincidencia de imagen a imagen simple con 4 opciones de elección y sitios vocales en la imagen de destino.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Comunicador núcleo Verbo 1.0

Comunicador núcleo Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador completo baseado no paradigma do vocabulário núcleo, com recursos de conjugação automática, separação em categorias gramaticais e várias seções semânticas.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador pictos Verbo 1.0

Comunicador pictos Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador de nível intermediário com representação em linguagem textual e pictográfica, usando a biblioteca de pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador texto Verbo 1.0

Comunicador texto Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador com representação puramente textual da língua, com capacidade de conjugação automática em pessoa, tempo numérico e verbal, previsão da escrita e notas. Inclui várias categorias semânticas.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Comunicador fotos Verbo 1.0

Comunicador fotos Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um comunicador baseado em fotografias reais. Este modelo simples pode ser usado como base para a criação de painéis personalizados a partir das fotos do usuário.

Shared by: Adapt4You

Teclado claro Verbo 1.0

Teclado claro Verbo 1.0


(In Portuguese) Um teclado virtual com previsão de digitação e capacidade de armazenar notas. Estilo claro.

Shared by: Adapt4You




(In Spanish) How to say hello and how to behave in a restaurant.

Shared by: Carolina




(In Spanish) Simple communication board.

Shared by: Anónimo

Core communicator Verbo 1.0

Core communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A complete communicator based on the core vocabulary paradigm, with automatic conjugation capacity, separation into grammatical categories and several semantic sections.

Shared by: Eneso

Symbol communicator Verbo 1.0

Symbol communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) An intermediate level communicator with textual and pictographic language representation, using the SymbolStix pictogram library.

Shared by: Eneso

Text communicator Verbo 1.0

Text communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A communicator with a purely textual representation of the language, with the capacity for automatic conjugation in person, number and tense, typing prediction and notes. It includes several semantic categories.

Shared by: Eneso

Photo communicator Verbo 1.0

Photo communicator Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A communicator based on real photographs. This simple template can be used as the basis for creating custom boards from user photos.

Shared by: Eneso

Light keyboard Verbo 1.0

Light keyboard Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Light style.

Shared by: Eneso

Dark keyboard Verbo 1.0

Dark keyboard Verbo 1.0


(In Spanish) A virtual keyboard with typing prediction and the ability to store notes. Dark style.

Shared by: Eneso

Exemple de conjugació (Català)

Exemple de conjugació (Català)


(In Catalan) Tauler que mostra, en forma de tutorial, la capacitat de conjugació automàtica de Verbo en persona, nombre i temps verbal, incloent formes reflexives i afectives.

Shared by: Eneso

Ejemplo de conjugación (Español)

Ejemplo de conjugación (Español)


(In Spanish) Tablero que muestra, en forma de tutorial, la capacidad de conjugación automática de Verbo en persona, número y tiempo verbal, incluyendo formas reflexivas y afectivas.

Shared by: Eneso

Aprende a utilizar el dinero

Aprende a utilizar el dinero


(In Portuguese) Actividad educativa que consiste en seleccionar las monedas y billetes necesarios para llegar a un valor exacto. Las celdas con la respuesta correcta desaparecen cuando se presionan y proporcionan al usuario un refuerzo auditivo.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Quién es quién

Quién es quién


(In Spanish) Intenta adivinar el personaje a través de su descripción.

Shared by: Tania

Tablero Álvaro

Tablero Álvaro


(In Spanish) Tablero de comunicación con distintas categorías distribuidas en varias páginas.

Shared by: Vanessa

Por qué sílaba empieza

Por qué sílaba empieza


(In Portuguese) Actividad con veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de varias sílabas. La actividad consiste en descubrir con qué sílaba comienza la palabra que representa cada uno de estos pictogramas. Las respuestas se guardan a medida que avanza la actividad. Al final de la actividad, existe una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas y también existe la opción de guardar esas respuestas en PDF.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Encuentra las letras

Encuentra las letras


(In Portuguese) Es una actividad para trabajar la percepción visual, consiste en encontrar una letra específica entre muchas otras similares a la que se quiere investigar. Hay cuatro niveles de dificultad, superando cada nivel que nos ofrece la actividad para repetir el nivel o pasar al siguiente.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Navidad 2020

Navidad 2020


(In Italian) ¿Qué palabra en inglés describe la imagen? Esta actividad recuerda las respuestas del usuario y puede guardarlas como pdf.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Escenas de Halloween

Escenas de Halloween


(In Spanish) ¿Conoces el nombre de los elementos que forman parte de cada escena?

Shared by: Eneso

Vocabulario de Halloween

Vocabulario de Halloween


(In Spanish) Actividad para introducir nuevos pictogramas en el vocabulario. Diseñada con distintas páginas y vocabulario relacionado con la festividad de Halloween.

Shared by: Eneso

Discriminación visual Halloween

Discriminación visual Halloween


(In Spanish) Actividad ambientada en la fiesta de Halloween para trabajar la disciminación visual y el conteo. Consiste en encontrar el objeto indicado dentro de un conjunto de otros objetos similares.

Shared by: Eneso

Selecciona el que es igual

Selecciona el que es igual


(In Portuguese) Actividad para seleccionar los pictogrames iguales. Ideal para asociar símbolos y coordinación ojo-mano. ¡Con diferentes niveles!

Shared by: Adapt4you

Select the equal

Select the equal


(In Spanish) It is an activity to work memory and attention. It consists of selecting the pictogram that is repeated within the same row. It has a positive auditory reinforcement and the correct cell fades automatically when pressed. It is made up of 25 levels and each of them is associated with a specific letter of the alphabet.

Shared by: Eneso

Teclado predictivo

Teclado predictivo


(In Portuguese) Este tablero de comunicación incluye una página principal con expresiones habituales combinadas con pictogramas de Arasaac y un reloj integrado. Se enlaza a un teclado alfabético qwerty con cinco celdas de predicción y un diseño atractivo.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Tabla de mensajes

Tabla de mensajes


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación a través de lectoescritura. Consta de una sola página que incluye teclado alfanumérico, sílabas y palabras de uso frecuente, visualmente contrastadas para facilitar su uso.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Tablero de comunicación

Tablero de comunicación


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación básica. Está diseñado con dos páginas Inicio y espacio suficiente para continuar añadiendo nuevo vocabulario gradualmente.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Rutina lavarse las manos

Rutina lavarse las manos


(In Portuguese) ¡Conoce la historia de Pedro y aprende la rutina del lavado de manos! Cuento interactivo para niños y niñas con dificultad en las funciones ejecutivas.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Actividades básicas

Actividades básicas


(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Adapt4you

¡Atención, luz!

¡Atención, luz!


(In Portuguese) Activity to work the visual attention and speed of seleActividad para trabajar la atención visual y la velocidad de selección. Ideal para empezar a entrenar con pulsadores o sistemas de seguimiento visual.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Tablero de comunicación para ir a la compra. Contiene diferentes categorías de productos, de medidas y de manejo de dinero. Recomendamos que lo modifiques, añadiendo los productos que compres más habitualmente.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Teclado simplificado

Teclado simplificado


(In Portuguese) Teclado alfanumérico de alto contraste. Las vocales aparecen en otro color para diferenciarlas bien de las consonantes. Incluye predicción y una pequeña librería de mensajes cortos.

Shared by: Adapt4you




(In Portuguese) Ejemplo de tablero usando el esquema de colores de la clave fietzgerald y los pictogramas de ARASAAC.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Medios de transporte

Medios de transporte


(In Portuguese) Elige el medio de transporte que responda a la consigna dada. ¿Es ecológico? ¿Viaja bajo el mar?

Shared by: Adapt4you

Cálculo en euros

Cálculo en euros


(In Portuguese) Actividad de sumas con monedas y céntimos de euro. Atiende al cálculo propuesto en cada nivel e indica la respuesta correcta entre tres opciones. Se trabaja el razonamiento matemático, la memoria, la atención y concentración así como la elección entre tres respuestas.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Garden activities

Garden activities


(In Portuguese) It is an interactive activity to work on global reading. Words are divided into three categories: food, tools, and actions. It consists of identifying the word that corresponds to each pictogram, choosing between two possible options.

Shared by: Adapt4you

Basic vocabulary

Basic vocabulary


(In Spanish) Basic vocabulary board with pictograms and text. It is composed of 12 pages that have a consistent organization.

Shared by: Missy

Francina's simple board

Francina's simple board


(In Spanish) It is a simple board where cells with food appear that you can find in a bar. It allows the user to communicate autonomously what they want to eat.

Shared by: Ruth

Electrical objects

Electrical objects


(In Italian) It is an activity in which you have to identify which objects need electricity to work. A page shows pictograms of different objects, all of which vanish when selected, thus making it possible to evaluate user responses. On the results page you can see the correct answers and the answers given by the user.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Learn how to use money

Learn how to use money


(In Spanish) Select the coins and bills that are needed to reach an exact amount. The cells with the correct answer fade when pressed and give a positive auditory boost to the user. User responses will automatically be saved in a .pdf document.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Simple board that explains the steps to greet someone

Shared by: Carolina




(In Spanish) Simple anticipation board for three creative activities

Shared by: Carolina

Workshops, anticipation board

Workshops, anticipation board


(In Spanish) On this board you will find the anticipation of four workshops. In this case: vegetable garden, crafts, kitchen and ceramics. Within each workshop, the main activities that are usually carried out in them are listed. For example, if you click on the cell that puts a garden, it will take you to a page where a series of actions are listed, such as planting, watering, harvesting, starting, fertilizing and pruning.

Shared by: Eneso

Craft workshop, photo frame

Craft workshop, photo frame


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board. In this case, we have given as an example the creation of a personalized photo frame. The board includes the steps to follow and a gallery with the materials that can be used to carry out the craft, as well as a page with a keyboard for people who have acquired literacy.

Shared by: Eneso

Garden workshop, association activity

Garden workshop, association activity


(In Spanish) It is an interactive activity to work on global reading. The words are divided into three categories: food, tools, and actions. It consists of identifying the word that corresponds to each pictogram, choosing between two possible options.

Shared by: Eneso

Cooking workshop, recipe book

Cooking workshop, recipe book


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board that includes six recipes classified into six different categories. Each recipe covers two pages, one with the necessary ingredients and the other with the steps to follow. You can add new recipes and categories to expand the recipe.

Shared by: Eneso

Pottery workshop, flower pots

Pottery workshop, flower pots


(In Spanish) It is an anticipation board for the creation, in this case, of ceramic pots. It includes a page with the presentation of the object and the list of materials that are needed. The steps to follow to create the pot are explained below.

Shared by: Eneso

Find the letters

Find the letters


(In Spanish) It is an activity to work on visual perception, it consists of finding a specific letter among many others that are similar to the one to look for. There are four levels of difficulty, upon completing each level the activity offers us to repeat the level or pass the next one.

Shared by: Eneso

Craft workshop, materials I can find

Craft workshop, materials I can find


(In Spanish) Simple board to learn the vocabulary of the different materials that we can find in the craft workshop, it also includes a partnership activity where you have to relate one of those materials to the corresponding action.

Shared by: Eneso

How does the saying go?

How does the saying go?


(In Spanish) Try to remember how each of these sayings ends. It is an activity that can be done individually or in a group. They must look in their memory for the end of each saying and tell the meaning that they think it has. You can remove and add as many sayings as you want.

Shared by: Eneso

Personal and temporary orientation for the elderly

Personal and temporary orientation for the elderly


(In Spanish) The board is made up of different pages where the user is invited to remember his name, the place where he was born, the name of his parents, that of his brothers and, among many others, the profession to which he dedicated. At the end of the board there is a spatial orientation activity to locate the person in the current season of the year and to distinguish the items of clothing that would be used depending on the season of the year in which they are.

Shared by: Eneso

Identify the person who appears in the image

Identify the person who appears in the image


(In Spanish) Remember the name of various singers, actors and actresses born throughout the 20th century in Spain. At the end of the activity, you can listen to a song from each of the singers that appear. It aims to evoke past experiences in users.

Shared by: Eneso

The provinces of Andalusia

The provinces of Andalusia


(In Spanish) It is an identification activity where the user has to choose between two options the correct answer, it has a background melody and when it is correct, it goes to the next province after receiving a positive reinforcement.

Shared by: Eneso

Old-time and modern objects

Old-time and modern objects


(In Spanish) The board aims to discriminate ancient objects from modern objects. A series of images are presented with objects from different periods, the person or persons who carry out the activity must click on "old" or "modern" as they create.

Shared by: Eneso

¿En qué sílaba empieza?

¿En qué sílaba empieza?


(In Spanish) Actividad con veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de dos sílabas. La actividad consiste en averiguar cuál es la sílaba por la que empieza la palabra que representa cada uno de esos pictogramas. Las respuestas se van guardando a medida que se avanza en la actividad. Al final del tablero, hay una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas, existe la opción de guardar dichas respuestas en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Moisés Roca

El piano mágico

El piano mágico


(In Spanish) Pequeña historia de un perrito y un piano. Lee o escucha el cuento y realiza las actividades relacionadas.

Shared by: Moisés Roca

¿En qué sílaba termina la palabra?

¿En qué sílaba termina la palabra?


(In Spanish) Es un tablero que contiene veinte pictogramas que representan palabras de dos sílabas. La actividad consiste en averiguar cuál es la sílaba en la que termina la palabra que representa cada uno de esos pictogramas. Las respuestas se van guardando a medida que se avanza en la actividad. Al final del tablero, hay una página con las respuestas dadas por el usuario y las respuestas correctas, existe la opción de guardar dichas respuestas en un archivo PDF.

Shared by: Eneso

'Stay at home' story

'Stay at home' story


(In Spanish) It is a story to better understand what the COVID-19 or coronavirus is. The protagonist is a girl who uses an alternative communication system both to understand the world and express her thoughts. She tells us how she is living what has been happening since the state of alarm was decreed.

Shared by: Eneso

The coronavirus game

The coronavirus game


(In Spanish) It is a board that explains the game that has gone viral to adopt one of the basic preventive measures against COVID-19 or coronavirus. On the board we explain with images and pictograms what it consists of and how you have to wash your hands well to make the drawing of the virus disappear.

Shared by: Eneso

What is the coronavirus?

What is the coronavirus?


(In Spanish) It is a board created to make accessible the most important information about COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. The board explains with pictograms and text what it is, what are the most frequent symptoms, what measures should we adopt to combat it and a list of ideas to do at home on the days of the state of alarm declared by the Government.

Shared by: Eneso

Quiero, no quiero - Control ocular

Quiero, no quiero - Control ocular


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Quiero, no quiero

Quiero, no quiero


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Identifica el animal

Identifica el animal


(In Italian) Se trata de una actividad que consiste en averiguar qué animal emite el sonido que hay en cada una de las páginas del tablero. Hay que elegir correctamente entre las opciones que se ofrecen para poder pasar a la siguiente página.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Toca la estrella

Toca la estrella


(In Italian) Actividad de búsqueda e identificación visual para familiarizarse con el acceso a la pantalla y valorar el sistema idóneo de acceso al ordenador o Tablet. Consta de 50 pantallas de complejidad creciente.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Teclado simplificado

Teclado simplificado


(In Italian) Teclado alfanumérico de alto contraste. Las vocales aparecen en otro color para diferenciarlas bien de las consonantes. Incluye predicción y una pequeña librería de mensajes cortos.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Italian) Además del acceso a un teclado alfabético neutro con aspecto de máquina de escribir, la página principal incluye formulaciones sociales habituales, combinando texto y pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Italian) Ejemplo de tablero usando el esquema de colores del sistema SPC y los pictogramas de ARASAAC.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Sí y no

Sí y no


(In Italian) Tablero básico para decir sí y no. El “sí” está asociado a un emoticono de color verde y el “no” a uno de color rojo.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Sesión de trabajo

Sesión de trabajo


(In Italian) Plantilla de una sesión de intervención terapéutica que utiliza el estilo SAAC sin texto. Incluye un panel de planificación de actividades y una página de expresión de necesidades.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Eijo mi menú

Eijo mi menú


(In Italian) ¿Qué te apetece comer? Indícalo con este tablero lleno de frutas, verduras, legumbres y carnes. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Planificación de buenas noches

Planificación de buenas noches


(In Italian) Ejemplo de tablero de secuenciación de tareas para niños y niñas con dificultades de planificación. Las celdas proporcionan información visual sobre lo que ya se ha hecho y lo siguiente que debe hacerse.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Tablero de comunicación

Tablero de comunicación


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación básica. Está diseñado con dos páginas Inicio y espacio suficiente para continuar añadiendo nuevo vocabulario gradualmente.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Medios de transporte

Medios de transporte


(In Italian) ¿Puedes identificar el medio de transporte al que se refiere la pregunta a partir de su silueta?

Shared by: Ausilionline

Intruso fácil

Intruso fácil


(In Italian) Actividad educativa en la que se debe indicar el elemento que no pertenece a la categoría común entre otras tres imágenes.

Shared by: Ausilionline

El tiempo

El tiempo


(In Italian) ¿Qué día es hoy? ¿Qué hora es? ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Shared by: Ausilionline

Mi primer tablero

Mi primer tablero


(In Italian) Tablero muy sencillo que combina imágenes y palabras con estilo SPC. Es el tablero de ejemplo creado en el manual de usuario del programa. Incluye formas sociales, familia y verbos básicos en la página de inicio, además de una segunda página de comida.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Los animales

Los animales


(In Italian) Animales domésticos, salvajes y de granja. Dónde viven y sus características.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Cuento del búho cansado

Cuento del búho cansado


(In Italian) Al búho le encanta trabajar de noche cantando las horas del reloj, ¡pero por el día está muy cansado! Descubre con el búho qué animales se esconden en el bosque, y demuestra lo que has aprendido con las actividades incluidas al final.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Comparar animales

Comparar animales


(In Italian) Actividad para seleccionar el animal correcto según la pregunta formulada. Utiliza pictogramas grandes, sonidos reales y letra enlazada de tipo escolar. Esta versión muestra al final una página de resultados con las respuestas del usuario y las esperadas.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Conceptos básicos

Conceptos básicos


(In Italian) Tablero que contiene una gran variedad de conceptos básicos en italiano, organizados en cinco categorías: partes del cuerpo, animales, fruta, chico/chica y objetos comunes. Existen dos niveles de dificultad, con dos opciones de respuesta o con tres. Podrás ampliarlo fácilmente para introducir nuevo vocabulario.

Shared by: Ausilionline




(In Italian) Tablero de anticipación para niños/as con dificultades en la planificación.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Cómo me siento - Adultos

Cómo me siento - Adultos


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación con pictogramas y palabras. Incluye categorías de sentimientos, enfermedades, partes del cuerpo, problemas y personas del entorno social.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Chi sono - Bambino

Chi sono - Bambino


(In Italian) Una semplice lavagna con poche celle e immagini di grandi dimensioni in modo da poter raccontare alcune cose su di te.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Qué quieres comer

Qué quieres comer


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación de alimentos sencillo con imágenes grandes y colores por categorías. Incluye categorías de fruta, verdura, carne y pescado.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Attiviata per il tempo libero_bambini

Attiviata per il tempo libero_bambini


(In Italian) Tablero diseñado para ofrecer distintas actividades multimedia a los más pequeños organizado en tres páginas (mis vídeos, mis canciones y mis fotos) con enlaces para lanzar aplicaciones, que se personalizan para cada usuario.

Shared by: Ausilionline

A scuola

A scuola


(In Italian) Tablero de comunicación en el entorno escolar que utiliza pictogramas y texto de letra enlazada en un estilo SAAC Bordes. Incluye página sobre acciones habituales y nombres de compañeros.

Shared by: Ausilionline

Carnival - Counting activity

Carnival - Counting activity


(In Spanish) Activity set at the carnival party to work the count. It consists of counting the costumes that appear on each page of the board.

Shared by: Eneso

Carnival - Activity

Carnival - Activity


(In Spanish) Board set at the carnival party that involves associating a complement to the costume that corresponds to it.

Shared by: Eneso

Learn to recycle, theory and practice

Learn to recycle, theory and practice


(In Spanish) Board explaining the different containers, what they contain and what cannot be recycled in them. It includes an activity to put into practice what has been learned.

Shared by: Eneso

Learn how to recycle, concept map and song

Learn how to recycle, concept map and song


(In Spanish) Simple board explaining the difference between each containers, what color they are and what each one contains. In the background, and along the entire board, a melody sounds. In the end, on the last page, there is a link to a music video.

Shared by: Eneso

Mario's drum set

Mario's drum set


(In Spanish) Music board: Percussion with drumsIt contains three sets of drums and one of different instruments. Play, stimulate visually and aurally and improve coordination, either by scanning, direct selection, joystick, cursor or by gaze control. Enjoy!

Shared by: Charli y Mario

Working with puzzles

Working with puzzles


(In Catalan) Communication panel to ask for puzzle pieces, also to ask for help when it can not be put and finally to say it is done.

Shared by: Montse Gonzalez

Geometric shapes

Geometric shapes


(In Spanish) Find the indicated geometric shape: square, circle, rectangle, rhombus, oval, sphere and cube.

Shared by: Charli y Mario

Rock concert

Rock concert


(In Spanish) Mario prepares a rock concert! Select from a bunch of things (objects, instruments, people) what you need to put on a rock concert. The selection is made during several pages of two cells with images or pictograms.

Shared by: Charli y Mario

Conjugated communicator

Conjugated communicator


(In Spanish) Communication board designed to combine the 120 most used verbs in our language. It includes quick talks phrases, questions, answers, opinions and more than 20 categories of vocabulary to talk about practically everything, as well as access to predictive keyboard, music and videos. It combines the SAAC style with more variety of colors, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Can you find the word that rhymes? This version shows at the end a page with the expected choices and those of the user.

Shared by: Eneso

Complete the sentence

Complete the sentence


(In Spanish) Sort the groups of three letters in alphabetical order. At the end, a page with the expected results and the user's answers is displayed.

Shared by: Eneso

Find the intruder - Results

Find the intruder - Results


(In Spanish) Educational activity to find the image that does not fit among the others. This version displays a page with the expected and the user's choices.

Shared by: Eneso

Compare animals - Results

Compare animals - Results


(In Spanish) Select the correct animal according to the asked question. This version displays a result page with the expected and the user's choices.

Shared by: Eneso

Categories - Results

Categories - Results


(In Spanish) Find the semantic category for the displayed image. At the end, a page with the user's response and the correct results is shown.

Shared by: Eneso

Pseudowords - Partial results

Pseudowords - Partial results


(In Spanish) Try to find out which words are made up and which ones are real. This version saves the user's choices as pdf files.

Shared by: Eneso

Let's go shopping - Notes

Let's go shopping - Notes


(In Spanish) Communication board to go shopping. It contains different categories of products, measures and money management. We recommend that you modify it by adding the products you buy most often. This version includes notes to save messages and retrieve them later.

Shared by: Eneso

AAC - Notes

AAC - Notes


(In Spanish) Sample board using the AAC system colour scheme. It includes categories of family, friends, colours, clothes, places and activities. This version includes notes to save messages and retrieve them later.

Shared by: Eneso

At school - Notes

At school - Notes


(In Spanish) Communication board for the school environment that uses pictograms and calligraphic font with the SPC Outline style. It includes a page on common actions and names of classmates. This version incldues notes, to save messages and say them later.

Shared by: Eneso

High contrast with notes

High contrast with notes


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people with low visual acuity. Save messages as notes and retrieve them later.

Shared by: Eneso

Claudia and Andrea

Claudia and Andrea


(In Spanish) The board is created for a kid with ASD who wants a lot of vocabulary, so we created categories such as playing, greeting, numbers, animals, planets, transports, attributes of people, places, etc. In addition to a "Touch the star" game, according to his taste.

Shared by: Claudia

Visual Memory

Visual Memory


(In Spanish) Visual memory game. Wich image has changed?

Shared by: Eneso

Light bulbs game

Light bulbs game


(In Spanish) Activity to work on visual attention and the speed of selection. Ideal to start training with switches or eye tracking systems.

Shared by: Eneso

Auditory memory game.

Auditory memory game.


(In Spanish) Activity to use with auditory scanning. Test your auditory memory and answer the questions.

Shared by: Eneso

Busca el coche

Busca el coche


(In French) Actividad de búsqueda e identificación visual para familiarizarse con el acceso a la pantalla y valorar el sistema idóneo de acceso al ordenador o Tablet. Consta varias pantallas de complejidad creciente.

Shared by: Domodep

Planificación de buenas noches

Planificación de buenas noches


(In French) Ejemplo de tablero de secuenciación de tareas para niños y niñas con dificultades de planificación. Las celdas proporcionan información visual sobre lo que ya se ha hecho y lo siguiente que debe hacerse.

Shared by: Domodep

Leemos sílabas

Leemos sílabas


(In French) Escribe las sílabas que forman la palabra indicada para pasar al siguiente nivel.

Shared by: Domodep

Cómo me siento

Cómo me siento


(In French) Un tablero con estilo SAAC sin texto para hablar de sensaciones y sentimientos a través de pictogramas.

Shared by: Domodep

Sesión de trabajo

Sesión de trabajo


(In French) Plantilla de una sesión de intervención terapéutica que utiliza el estilo SAAC sin texto. Incluye un panel de planificación de actividades y una página de expresión de necesidades.

Shared by: Domodep

Quiero - No quiero

Quiero - No quiero


(In French) Tablero de comunicación de actividades de la vida diaria con más de 40 categorías para hablar de tus gustos y necesidades. Combina el estilo Verbo con colores, pictogramas y texto.

Shared by: Domodep

Los animales

Los animales


(In French) Animales domésticos, salvajes y de granja. Dónde viven y sus características.

Shared by: Domodep

Recuerda la imagen

Recuerda la imagen


(In French) Intenta encontrar la imagen que has visto hace unos segundos entre todas las demás.

Shared by: Domodep

Completa la frase

Completa la frase


(In French) ¿Qué palabra falta para completar la frase? Usa las pictogramas para ayudarte.

Shared by: Eneso

¿Qué quieres comer?

¿Qué quieres comer?


(In French) Tablero de comunicación de alimentos sencillo con imágenes grandes y colores por categorías. Incluye categorías de fruta, verdura, carne y pescado.

Shared by: Domodep




(In French) Además del acceso a un teclado alfabético neutro con aspecto de máquina de escribir, la página principal incluye formulaciones sociales habituales, combinando texto y pictogramas SymbolStix.

Shared by: Domodep

Sólo texto

Sólo texto


(In French) Ejemplo de tablero sin pictogramas y un aspecto minimalista. Incluye una página de ropa y teclado sobrio.

Shared by: Domodep

Alto contraste

Alto contraste


(In French) Letras gruesas y una combinación de colores de alto contraste para personas con baja agudeza visual.

Shared by: Domodep

SAAC bordes

SAAC bordes


(In French) Un tablero que usa los colores del sistema SAAC de forma más sutil, dejando el fondo blanco. Incluye páginas de familia, amigos, colores, ropa, lugares y actividades.

Shared by: Domodep

Comparar animales

Comparar animales


(In French) Actividad para seleccionar el animal correcto según la pregunta formulada. Utiliza pictogramas grandes, sonidos reales y letra enlazada de tipo escolar.

Shared by: Domodep

Encuentra el intruso (fácil)

Encuentra el intruso (fácil)


(In French) Actividad educativa en la que se debe indicar el elemento que no pertenece a la categoría común entre otras tres imágenes.

Shared by: Domodep

En el colegio

En el colegio


(In French) Tablero de comunicación en el entorno escolar que utiliza pictogramas y texto de letra enlazada en un estilo SAAC Bordes. Incluye página sobre acciones habituales y nombres de compañeros.

Shared by: Domodep

Mi primer tablero

Mi primer tablero


(In French) Tablero muy sencillo que combina imágenes y palabras con estilo SPC. Es el tablero de ejemplo creado en el manual de usuario del programa. Incluye formas sociales, familia y verbos básicos en la página de inicio, además de una segunda página de comida.

Shared by: Domodep

Quién soy yo

Quién soy yo


(In French) Un tablero sencillo con pocas celdas e imágenes grandes para que puedas contar algunas cosas sobre ti.

Shared by: Domodep

Mail sequence

Mail sequence


(In Italian) (In italian language). Order the images according to the logical time of happen in the mail sequence.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

What happened before?

What happened before?


(In Spanish) Order the images according to the logical time of appearance in each story.

Shared by: Eneso

Traffic signs

Traffic signs


(In Spanish) Identify traffic signals and learn about their meaning.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Italian Board to answer different questions about means of transport.

Shared by: Eneso

The glutton mouse

The glutton mouse


(In Spanish) A tale about a little mouse in trouble. Read or listen the tale and do the activities related.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) How many ladybugs are there? Many ladybugs, few one or none.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Count the objects to see how many actually are in the image.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Explore relationships between words and its categories.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Check the images and choose the corresponding vowel.

Shared by: Eneso

AAC with big cells and photos

AAC with big cells and photos


(In Spanish) Communication board with photos. Perfect for people who don't use neither symbols nor literacy for communication. You can replace sample pictures for your own photos.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Italian) ¡Aprende sobre 16 animales salvajes! Encuentra el animal indicado y descubre sus características.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

La mariquita

La mariquita


(In Italian) ¿Cuántas mariquitas hay? Tablero de actividad en italiano para seleccionar la cantidad correspondiente con ayuda visual de pictogramas: pocas, muchas, una o ninguna.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Medios de transporte

Medios de transporte


(In Italian) Tablero de actividad educativa. Elige el medio de transporte que responda a la consigna dada. ¿Es ecológico? ¿Viaja bajo el mar?

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

El oso Billy

El oso Billy


(In Italian) Simple ejercicio de comprensión de lectura con varias respuestas. Favorece la atención auditiva y la memoria a corto plazo.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Alejandro's board

Alejandro's board


(In Spanish) A personal board with variety of basic conceps. It is easily expandable with more vocabulary and pages.

Shared by: Ángeles Gil

Actividad matemática

Actividad matemática


(In Italian) Actividad en italiano de preguntas y respuestas sobre las cantidades presentadas. Mira el dibujo y elige una de las tres opciones que representan su cantidad.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo




(In Spanish) A walk through the most popular areas of Malaga (Andalussia). Discover the museums, historic buildings, and the best-known squares of this beautiful city with this accesible board designed with symbols and text.

Shared by: Eneso

My school communicator

My school communicator


(In Spanish) Communication board for the school environment that uses pictograms and calligraphic font with the AAC Outline style. It includes a timetable, a page witgh actions, names of classmates and materiales. It also includes a predictive keyboard for children.

Shared by: Eneso

I talk about my family

I talk about my family


(In Spanish) Guess who? Activity to learn about your family members and their connections. Change the symbols for real pictures of your family and start the game!

Shared by: Eneso

Pick the right photo

Pick the right photo


(In Spanish) Simple real pictures recognition activity. Listen carefully the instruction and select the correct real picture between three options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.

Shared by: Eneso

SAAC with big cells

SAAC with big cells


(In Spanish) Simple and visual communication board with big cells. It is perfect for first steps with a communication board and you can use it with any access system. It is designed with symbols and no text in AAC style.

Shared by: Eneso

High contrast with gaze control

High contrast with gaze control


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people who use a gaze control. To use an adapted keyboard to express oneself in any situation with total control of the eye tracking system.

Shared by: Eneso

Simple addition game

Simple addition game


(In Spanish) With this activity you will learn to do additions with whole numbers.

Shared by: Eneso

El viejo lobo

El viejo lobo


(In Italian) El viejo lobo en italiano. Ejercicio de comprensión lectora que favorece la atención auditiva y la memoria a corto plazo.

Shared by: Benelli Massimo

Halloween game

Halloween game


(In Spanish) Discover the most horrific scenes in this game. Turn up the volume and save the scary child from monsters.

Shared by: Eneso

Specific language impairment

Specific language impairment


(In Spanish) To commemorate International Specific Language Impairment (SLI) Day, today on 30 September we launch this new Verbo Board with four activities designed to improve each aspects: Phonological awareness, semantics, morphosyntactic and pragmatic.

Shared by: Eneso

The Orange Elephant

The Orange Elephant


Once upon a time there was an orange elephant... Discover the funny story about the Orange Elephant and add new characters to this interactive tale! It includes some activities at the end.

Shared by: Sonja Higham

Wash your hands

Wash your hands


(In Spanish) Discover the story of Pedro and learn about the hand-washing routine! Interactive story aimed to people with autism or children with executive functioning difficulties.

Shared by: Eneso

Basic concepts

Basic concepts


A board with variety of basic conceps (English speakers). It is organised according to five categories: animals, body parts, objects, boy/girl and fruit. It includes two levels of dificulty (two or three answer options). It is easily expandable with more vocabulary and pages.

Shared by: Sonja Higham

Basic communication

Basic communication


A new basic communication board using images and text (English speakers). It is designed with two "Home pages" to allow introducing new vocabulary gradually.

Shared by: Sonja Higham

Learning emotions

Learning emotions


(In Spanish) Activity to work on emotion skills by visual recognition of real photos. It includes four emotions: happiness, scary, sadness and ire.

Shared by: Eneso

Recognizing verbs

Recognizing verbs


(In Spanish) Activity for syntactic analysis initiation. Read each sentence and locate the action in every one.

Shared by: Eneso

Keyboard ABC, 123 - Sarakanda

Keyboard ABC, 123 - Sarakanda


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy with Sarakanda font, a typeface specially designed for dyslexia. The main page includes some common expressions and the access to an abc predictive keyboard and numerical keyboard.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Anticipation board with traditional vocabulary and events of spanish Easter Week.

Shared by: Eneso

My senses

My senses


(In Spanish) Learning about the five senses in a visual way, with examples of daily activities. It combines symbols and text.

Shared by: Eneso

Children's entertainment

Children's entertainment


(In Spanish) Board designed for children's entertainment with three pages of multimedia offers (videos, songs and photos) with links to launch user-adjustable apps.

Shared by: Eneso

ABC predictive keyboard

ABC predictive keyboard


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy with abc predictive keyboard and numerical keyboard. The main page includes some social words and a clock.

Shared by: Eneso

Predictive keyboard

Predictive keyboard

(In Communication board by literacy with predictive keyboard. The main page combines some social forms with Arasaac pictograms and a clock.

Shared by: Eneso

Touch the star

Touch the star


(In Spanish) Searching and identification activity to get used to the new computer access system. It includes 50 levels of increasing dificulty.

Shared by: Eneso

Parts of the body

Parts of the body


(In Spanish) Identify the appropiate parts of the body between three options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.

Shared by: Eneso

Choose the right image

Choose the right image


(In Spanish) Simple images recognition activity. Listen carefully the instruction and select the correct image between two options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Task sequencing for children with difficulties in planning.

Shared by: Eneso

Message syllabic board

Message syllabic board


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy. Combine the alphabetic keyboard with some frequent syllables and words. Each letter suggest some syllables combination for a better communication.

Shared by: Eneso

Learning symbols

Learning symbols


(In Spanish) Introduce new symbols in daily vocabulary. Listen the word and then search the corresponding photo and symbol.

Shared by: Eneso

Message board

Message board


(In Spanish) Communication board by literacy. Combine the alphabetic keyboard with some frequent syllables and words.

Shared by: Eneso

Advent calendar

Advent calendar


(In Spanish) Can't wait for Christmas day? Get this advent calendar to shorten this endless wait! Do the everyday activities and have fun with the countdown to holidays.

Shared by: Eneso

Let's go shopping

Let's go shopping


(In Spanish) Communication board to go shopping. It contains different categories of products, measures and money management. We recommend that you modify it by adding the products you buy most often.

Shared by: Eneso

Say good night

Say good night


(In Spanish) Task sequencing for children with difficulties in planning. The cells provide visual information on what has already been done and what should be done next.

Shared by: Eneso

Reading syllables

Reading syllables


(In Spanish) Write the syllables of the word to pass to the next level.

Shared by: Eneso

Music player

Music player


(In Spanish) A player that you can use to listen to music from your computer.

Shared by: Eneso

Musical instruments

Musical instruments


(In Spanish) Discover the sound of each musical instrument and try to recognize them.

Shared by: Eneso

How I feel - adults

How I feel - adults


(In Spanish) Communication board with text and pictograms. It includes feelings, illness, parts of the body, problems and people categories.

Shared by: Eneso

How I feel

How I feel


(In Spanish) A board designed with AAC style without text to speak about feelings and sensations through symbols.

Shared by: Eneso

I choose my menu

I choose my menu


(In Spanish) What do you want to eat? Say it with this board full of fruits, vegetables, legumes and meats. This board combines Verbo style with colours, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso

The tired owl

The tired owl


(In Spanish) The owl loves working at night singing every hour, but when the day comes he is very tired! Discover the animals that hide in the forest, and show what you have learnt with the activities included at the end.

Shared by: Eneso

Work session

Work session


(In Spanish) Template of a work session of therapy designed with AAC style without text.

Shared by: Eneso

Intruder word

Intruder word


(In Spanish) Identify the word that does not fit in the sentence.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Can you find the word that rhymes?

Shared by: Eneso

I want - I don't want

I want - I don't want


(In Spanish) Communication board of everyday activities that includes over 40 categories to talk about your preferences and needs. Combine Verbo style with different colours, pictograms and text.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) What day is it? What time is it? What is the weather like?

Shared by: Eneso

The animals

The animals


(In Spanish) Pets, wild and farm animales. Where they live and their characteristics.

Shared by: Eneso

Remember the image

Remember the image


(In Spanish) Try to find the image you've seen a few seconds ago among all the others.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Besides the alphabetic keyboard with a typewriter look, the main page includes some social forms and it combines SymbolStix pictograms with text.

Shared by: Eneso

Who am I

Who am I


(In Spanish) A simple board with few cells and large images so you can tell some things about you.

Shared by: Eneso

Text only

Text only


(In Spanish) Sample board without pictograms and a minimalist look.

Shared by: Eneso

High contrast

High contrast


(In Spanish) Bold letters and a high-contrast combination of colours for people with low visual acuity.

Shared by: Eneso




(In Spanish) Sample board using the AAC system colour scheme and symbols from ARASAAC.

Shared by: Eneso

AAC outlines

AAC outlines


(In Spanish) A board that uses the colours of the AAC It includes categories of family, friends, colours, clothes, places and activities.

Shared by: Eneso

Compare animals

Compare animals


(In Spanish) Try to discover the animal to which the question refers. This activity combines pictograms with calligraphic letters.

Shared by: Eneso

At school

At school


(In Spanish) Communication board for the school environment that uses pictograms and calligraphic font with the SPC Outline style. It includes a page on common actions and names of classmates.

Shared by: Eneso

My first board

My first board


(In Spanish) Simple board that combines images and words with the SPC style. It is the sample board created in the user manual of the program. It includes social forms, family and basic verbs in the home, along with a second page of food.

Shared by: Eneso