Secuencias de otoño
pt(In Portuguese) Actividad temática con conceptos relacionados con el Otoño. Le permite desarrollar habilidades de causalidad, relación conceptual y memoria.
(In Portuguese) Actividad temática con conceptos relacionados con el Otoño. Le permite desarrollar habilidades de causalidad, relación conceptual y memoria.
(In Portuguese) Música infantil de carácter lúdico y educativo. Le permite estimular la atención y las habilidades de asociación causa-efecto.
(In Spanish) The "Reading and Writing Workbook" is an educational resource designed to help children in their process of acquiring and learning reading and writing skills in a fun and effective way, including various activities such as: Letter Recognition: Games like "find the letter" or "match the same letters" that reinforce the identification of each letter of the alphabet, both in uppercase and lowercase. Word Formation: Activities where children must combine syllables to form words or complete missing words in simple sentences. Reading Comprehension: Short texts with questions at the end that allow children to practice reading comprehension, helping them develop critical reading skills. This workbook is ideal for use both in the classroom and at home, allowing children to learn at their own pace and enjoy the process of acquiring reading and writing skills.
(In Portuguese) Con esta actividad será más fácil introducir nuevos pictogramas en tu vocabulario. Escucha la palabra indicada para encontrar su foto real y su correspondiente pictograma.
(In Italian) Actividad donde el usuario deberá relacionar el medio de transporte con su medio.
(In Portuguese) Intenta averiguar a qué animal se refiere la pregunta.
(In Portuguese) Actividad para encontrar la forma geométrica indicada: cuadrado, círculo, rectángulo, rombo, óvalo, esfera y cubo.
(In Portuguese) Actividad para trabajar diferentes elementos de cada estación.
(In Spanish) Activity to work different elements of each season.
(In Portuguese) La lectura es una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de la inteligencia y una gran aliada en la puesta en marcha de nuestras funciones ejecutivas. Además, favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad y la fantasía, de la capacidad atencional, la concentración y la memoria. Este Abecedario con Pictogramas supone un gran recurso de apoyo para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura. Nos ayudará a asociar las letras a imágenes que empiezan por ese fonema y a practicar lo aprendido, ya que contiene varias opciones de palabras para poder deletrearlas y escribirlas.
(In Spanish) La lectura es una herramienta esencial en el desarrollo de la inteligencia y una gran aliada en la puesta en marcha de nuestras funciones ejecutivas. Además, favorece el desarrollo de la creatividad y la fantasía, de la capacidad atencional, la concentración y la memoria. Este Abecedario con Pictogramas supone un gran recurso de apoyo para el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura. Nos ayudará a asociar las letras a imágenes que empiezan por ese fonema y a practicar lo aprendido, ya que contiene varias opciones de palabras para poder deletrearlas y escribirlas.
(In Italian) Calendario 2023 es un calendario simple dividido en trimestres. Al hacer clic en el día, la síntesis vocal repite el nombre del día, el día, el mes y el año. Y en los días asociados a una fecha determinada, el nombre del feriado. Para imprimir el calendario, haga clic en la impresora que lo posiciona en la página de impresión, para completar la impresión en pdf, haga clic en la fila superior del año.
(In Italian) Elimina la palabra incorrecta es una actividad en la que tendremos que seleccionar la palabra incorrecta entre dos opciones.
(In Spanish) It is the turn of the pronouns. Another type of words, which, like determiners and names or nouns, need work, practice and support for their understanding, assimilation, learning and recognition. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all types of pronouns and activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus evaluating them carefully or using the material as an adapted exam.
(In Spanish) As with determiners, nouns are a type of word that cause certain problems in their assimilation and learning. Their types, their uses and the learning, assimilation, recognition and putting into practice of this type of words is not an easy task when we face them and they require a lot of practice. With this material we will be able to work on them in a dynamic way since it has explanations and examples of all types of nouns and activities that support their understanding and learning. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus assess them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.
(In Spanish) Determiners are those words that accompany a name or noun, with the aim of specifying or determining it, providing information about its gender, number, location in space or possession. This concept, on many occasions, shows problems in its assimilation and learning, hence with this new resource we propose an adaptation of curricular material with which to work on the understanding and learning of the determinants, their types and the different uses of each of them. The different activities that make up this adaptation of curricular material offer us the possibility of saving the answers given by the users and thus assess them carefully or use the material as an adapted exam.
(In Spanish) Inferences refer to the process of interpretation that we carry out to deduce the implicit meaning of a statement from the context and the clues that we have. Through inferences we can transform the information we receive into an explicit fact, since, by inferring, we are reasoning in order to understand said information, which will be very useful for working on logical reasoning, verbal comprehension, reading comprehension, association, organization , deduction and cognitive flexibility. It is a useful material for work and intervention with children, adults and the elderly.
(In Spanish) Riddles are an exceptional resource as support material, didactic material for learning and material for work on cognitive stimulation and executive functions, since they favor the work and development of logical thinking, deductive thinking, the logic of situations, of ingenuity, imagination and creativity, by proposing logical solutions to simple problems. In addition to being a fundamental teaching resource in Primary Education, this is a tool widely used with adults and the elderly in cognitive stimulation, thanks to its versatility, its adaptability and its different levels of difficulty and reasoning.
(In Spanish) We present a new resource that allows us to work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. In “Search for the object”, a board divided into different levels in which we will find from sentences with a couple of elements, to small texts, we will have to select all those images that are related to what said sentences or texts say, so, At the same time that we work on reading comprehension, we promote and work on concentration, attention and memory.
(In Spanish) With this clue game we will be able to work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. Reading comprehension or comprehensive reading refers to the ability to understand what we read, both in the general and global understanding of the text, and in the understanding of words. This resource, presented at different levels, offers us certain clues through which we must select the object to which they refer.
(In Spanish) Reading comprehension or comprehensive reading refers to the ability we have to understand what we have read, not only in the individual meaning of each of the words that make up the sentence or the text that we are reading, but also in the sense and meaning of that sentence or that text. We have developed different boards, with which we can work on reading comprehension and develop strategies that help us in the work of this competence. This is a True/False game, in which we will find different texts, from lower to higher difficulty, divided into levels, in which we will have to answer certain questions or statements by selecting T/F.
(In Italian) Dentro y fuera es una actividad donde las cosas que están en casa y las que están fuera de casa deben estar incluidas en el hueco correcto. La actividad registra las respuestas dadas y se generan en un documento pdf.
(In Spanish) With this board you will be able to organize your day, your week, and routines of 3, 6 and 8 steps, learning to control time and to prioritize, understand and carry out each of the tasks included in your routine. This resource is especially useful for children, who will be able to complete the routines with their parents or guardians, helping them to feel safe and in control of their time and obligations. It is also interesting for older people or the elderly, who will be able to work on organizing their activities and tasks in a useful and attractive way.
(In Italian) Actividad donde tedremos que marcar tantas veces el objeto que aparece contando las muestras que nos dan.
(In Portuguese) Actividad en la que trabajaremos, a través de un juego, la discriminación visual y el reconocimiento de colores. La discriminación visual es la habilidad mediante la cual los niños pueden distinguir las diferentes propiedades de los objetos que les rodean, ayudándoles a diferenciarlos y clasificarlos por color, forma, posición, tamaño, etc. Es muy importante trabajar y desarrollar esta habilidad, ya que es un precursor del desarrollo del pensamiento lógico y matemático. Con Little Spider Rita trabajaremos la discriminación visual reconociendo y seleccionando los colores que nos pide, mientras trabajamos las instrucciones básicas, la atención, la concentración y la memoria. Objetivos: Trabajar la atención, la concentración, la memoria y la discriminación visual. Fortalecer la discriminación y el reconocimiento del color. Ejecutar y seguir las instrucciones básicas.
(In Italian) Actividad indicada para el autismo donde hay que poner el mismo color debajo de la pelota, el color de la pelota Cuando termine la actividad, todos los colores desaparecerán. En esta actividad puedes cambiar la secuencia tanto de bolas como de colores sin ningún problema para ver los resultados en la celda oculta de arriba a la izquierda donde puedes exportar los resultados en un documento pdf
(In Spanish) Board in which we will work, through a game, visual discrimination and color recognition. Visual discrimination is the ability through which children can distinguish the different properties of the objects around them, helping them to differentiate and classify them by color, shape, position, size, etc. It is very important to work on and develop this capacity or ability, since it is a precursor to the development of logical and mathematical thinking. With Little Spider Rita, we will work on visual discrimination by recognizing and selecting the colors that she asks of us, at the same time that we work on basic instructions, attention, concentration and memory.
(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work on the recognition and discrimination between two animals, the sound they emit, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.
(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work the sound of animals, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.
(In Spanish) Board designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training. Game that allows us to work the sound of animals, in addition to the anticipation of some programmed activity with animals.
(In Spanish) Dashboard designed to work, through stimuli, tactile training and color recognition.
(In Spanish) Activity to work the kingdom of vertebrate animals. Initial Level.
(In Spanish) Object + adjective puzzle
(In Spanish) Learn vocabulary and how to describe
(In Spanish) Learn the body parts with a Mr. Potato toy
(In Spanish) Intenta adivinar el personaje a través de su descripción.
(In Portuguese) Activity to work the visual attention and speed of seleActividad para trabajar la atención visual y la velocidad de selección. Ideal para empezar a entrenar con pulsadores o sistemas de seguimiento visual.
(In Italian) Se trata de una actividad que consiste en averiguar qué animal emite el sonido que hay en cada una de las páginas del tablero. Hay que elegir correctamente entre las opciones que se ofrecen para poder pasar a la siguiente página.
(In Italian) Actividad de búsqueda e identificación visual para familiarizarse con el acceso a la pantalla y valorar el sistema idóneo de acceso al ordenador o Tablet. Consta de 50 pantallas de complejidad creciente.
(In Italian) Actividad para seleccionar el animal correcto según la pregunta formulada. Utiliza pictogramas grandes, sonidos reales y letra enlazada de tipo escolar. Esta versión muestra al final una página de resultados con las respuestas del usuario y las esperadas.
(In Italian) Versión del tablero Comparar animales con sonidos reales de animales.
(In Italian) Tablero que contiene una gran variedad de conceptos básicos en italiano, organizados en cinco categorías: partes del cuerpo, animales, fruta, chico/chica y objetos comunes. Existen dos niveles de dificultad, con dos opciones de respuesta o con tres. Podrás ampliarlo fácilmente para introducir nuevo vocabulario.
(In Spanish) Tactile training. Cause-effect, to get a reinforcer the child has to touch the cell where the image appears.
(In Spanish) Select the correct animal according to the asked question. This version displays a result page with the expected and the user's choices.
(In Spanish) Activity to work on visual attention and the speed of selection. Ideal to start training with switches or eye tracking systems.
(In French) Actividad de búsqueda e identificación visual para familiarizarse con el acceso a la pantalla y valorar el sistema idóneo de acceso al ordenador o Tablet. Consta varias pantallas de complejidad creciente.
(In French) Actividad para seleccionar el animal correcto según la pregunta formulada. Utiliza pictogramas grandes, sonidos reales y letra enlazada de tipo escolar.
(In French) Tablero muy sencillo que combina imágenes y palabras con estilo SPC. Es el tablero de ejemplo creado en el manual de usuario del programa. Incluye formas sociales, familia y verbos básicos en la página de inicio, además de una segunda página de comida.
(In Spanish) Cause and effect activity to get used to the new computer access system.
(In Spanish) Simple real pictures recognition activity. Listen carefully the instruction and select the correct real picture between three options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.
Identification of environmental sounds is the precursor to letter sounds. Discover the sound of each animal and recognize it in a basic level.
Version of the Compare animales board with Bliss symbols.
(In Spanish) Searching and identification activity to get used to the new computer access system. It includes 50 levels of increasing dificulty.
(In Spanish) Identify the appropiate parts of the body between three options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.
(In Spanish) Simple images recognition activity. Listen carefully the instruction and select the correct image between two options. It's ideal for training with switches or eye tracking systems.
(In Spanish) Version of the Compare animales board with ARASAAC symbols.
(In Spanish) Try to discover the animal to which the question refers. This activity combines pictograms with calligraphic letters.
(In Spanish) Simple board that combines images and words with the SPC style. It is the sample board created in the user manual of the program. It includes social forms, family and basic verbs in the home, along with a second page of food.