Aprender a reciclar
pt(In Portuguese) Tablero donde se exponen los contenedores que existen, qué contienen y qué no se puede reciclar en ellos. Incluye una actividad para poner en práctica lo aprendido.
(In Portuguese) Tablero donde se exponen los contenedores que existen, qué contienen y qué no se puede reciclar en ellos. Incluye una actividad para poner en práctica lo aprendido.
(In Spanish) Evaluation activity to classify a number of residues in the different containers that exist. The results will be automatically saved in a pdf file.
(In Spanish) Board explaining the different containers, what they contain and what cannot be recycled in them. It includes an activity to put into practice what has been learned.
(In Spanish) Simple board explaining the difference between each containers, what color they are and what each one contains. In the background, and along the entire board, a melody sounds. In the end, on the last page, there is a link to a music video.
(In Spanish) Single page anticipation board containing the pictograms of four different containers. It can be used a learning tool when separating.